Extended Summary

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Humans strive for love. They will take anything they can get their hands on even if that means false love, leading them to bitterness and hatred.

So as a scheme to reduce the heartache and misery in the world, society deviced a plan: every human would be able to retrieve the lost part of their soul, their other half, their soulmate. Their souls would fues and eternal happiness was granted.

Claire Atkinson is one of the many who have fallen into the soulmate chase. She is a hopeless romantic with bedroom walls plastered with Disney posters. She cries through an entire box of tissues each time she watches The Notebook, occasionally two. She lies awake most nights imagining her prince charming. How he'd look, what he'd smell like, how he'd sound when he said that he loves her. On her eighteenth birthday, when she's offered the choice of journeying to find her soulmate or creating her own life, without hesitation, she falls head first into the world of wandering souls.

To some people though, love is something that only belong in books and fairytales. Jeraco Whitefield is the epitome of a love hating individual. The term 'soulmate' felt bitter on his tongue. He encountered many people in his life who believed in this unthinkable state of mind, but Jeraco happily laughed in the face of all of these love sick characters. He was studious and determined, which led him to following his own path on his eighteenth birthday. Despite his mindset, he cannot explain the long nights when he's lain awake with no hope of falling asleep or the scars that have seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

What happens when Claire finds Jeraco, but realizes that he was never searching for her? WIll her fairytale world collapse? Or, perhaps, will her romance win his heart, changing his fate forever?  

This summary was made with the help of three other writers, @mxnifesto @DemonicTouch @KingRusset. Thank you all so much.

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