White sheets

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Hi this is short but I liked it so here you go, enjoy!

Also, new beautiful cover is made by ptxbyers !! It's stunning and far from my crappines tbh so I hope y'all like it too

This is for churrology ily💗

505/Arctic Monkeys

Sometimes, I like to think.

I just sit on my bed and look at the white ceiling and let my mind wander whenever it wants to.

Usually, it wonders a couple steps down to your sleeping form in the next room. Long limbs tangled in white sheets in a bed that I could so easily fit in but never do.

Sometimes, other boys take my place next to your pillow and their cologne is still evident in the morning and it's wrong. So, so wrong. So wrong that I have to change the sheets immediately.

I let my mind wander to things that remind me of you.

I think of white wine glasses left on marble counter tops and pouring rain drenching me while I laugh and laugh.

I think of the sun beating down on me back home and kids toys scattered on my back porch while I lay there and look at the sky.

I think of microphones, recording studios, stages and arenas and voices, 5 voices, blending and separating and becoming one again in beautiful melodies.

I think of the past 14 years of my life and smile.

Lastly, I think of white sheets.

White sheets that I've been in multiple times before when two people became one and limbs got so tangled that you couldn't make out people but only dancing shadows.

I think of small bruises littering my body like art work and soft smooth skin. Broad shoulders, strong arms, lean back.

I think of words, words that formed sentences that I'd like to forget but now I'll never.

"It's the last time."
"It's not right."
"It was a one time thing."

Words come and go in my mind and I let them, as they pass like a slideshow.


Sometimes, I like to think.

And somehow, it all comes back to you and white sheets.

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