39 0 0



Year: 2578




The time distortion in our FTL drives are becoming less and less frequent. Since the Insurgents have stopped attacking main forward bases we have tripled efforts into further FTL research. Since the official end to hostilities we have gotten many issues prior to the engagements solved. Due to military necessity for scientific advancements the issues we had seemed trivial. Granted those issues were from 78 years ago and was an entirely different generation of scientists.

As you are well aware since this is my fourth message to you and your office. I am requesting 100 ships, fifty from the remnants of the insurgency and fifty from our earth gov. The reasoning behind this request is to further colonization and space exploration, something we as a race have been lacking in recently. This is a bold idea and a very idiotic one but the logic is sound. This will help further advancements in technology, culture, and military research. Along with the added benefit of further ending any idea of hostility between the two groups.

Of course half the ships I am asking for have to be for research and development and colonization, all requests are being sent to you and your department in the attachment below. Furthermore there is an alternate message going to the leaders of the "Insurgency" requesting the same thing. In Layman's terms all I am simply asking for is a chance to further humanity forward in evolution.

Please Director Stone, allow me and my colleagues to do what we do best, furthering our species as a whole to greater feats of engineering, culture, economics, etc. regardless of this dreadful war.


Head of Research and Development, Doctor [REDACTED]


Year: 2592



As you can plainly see Doctor, these last 14 years have not gone to waste. With what you proposed to both governments actually being accepted and approved within a month. That's astounding, but we shant get into that since we already know whats been going on inside. What this message is meant to do is confirm that we have outfitted 120 ships from both sides to your liking. If there are any hostile entities out there you have 60 military ships of the highest design and caliber since the end of the war. The other 60 ships as you know are designed for colonists and researchers to document and inhabit other planets.

Each ship has all the things you would think a ship in this day and age would have. Decent living conditions, multiple food storages and food replicators(which by the way doc, thanks for that invention you've solved many a food crisis in the 6 years it's been out). Areas for recreations and relaxation have been outfitted on all ships, we are also commishing you two mobile repair stations to take along for the journey. Incase the ships fall into disrepair, we expect you to plant relays on the new worlds so you and your team can update us here on earth and liberty prime.

For the last 5 years we have been getting applications for this expedition, and we have had overwhelming amounts of potential recruits. Not only for colonists but naval and army personnel to join as security forces for the expedition. With hostilities between our two nations(if you can even call us that) have been but extinguished minus a few small skirmishes here and there. We on both sides of the governments believe this will be a grand adventure.

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