X-Men Fan Fic - Chapter Twelve

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OVER A THOUSAND READS! Yay I'm so happy! Thanks a bunch!

X-Men Evolution is driving me up the wall... Bobby's too sexy... and Pietro's too quotable...

Not to mention Sunspot....


Oh, and a THOUSAND apologies for being lazy! School caught up with me. Blame them! :D


Bobby, Jean-Paul, Roberto and I sit in my room, none of us saying anything. Professor X is gone, and someone's gonna have to rescue him. I'm not in the mood for dying.

"I can't believe Xavier's been kidnapped again," Bobby says eventually.

I sigh. "Me either..."

"Let's forget he exists and become savages and rule the world!"

I raise my eyebrows. "No."

"How about we play Tales of Symphonia?"

"Yeah!" Roberto chimes in. "You have a gamecube, right?"

I blush, furiously. The fact that I have outdated technology doesn't (or shouldn't) make me popular amongst my friends. If we're gonna play this game, I'd rather we use my Wii.

"I... well, yes..." I say.

"Go on, then! Let me be Lloyd!" says Bobby.

I shake my head. "N-no! We should be... helping out finding the professor or something!"

"I'm sure Storm and that are thinking of something..." says Roberto.

"I dunno..." I frown.

"Come. On. It's not our problem," says Bobby.

I sigh. "Well, I guess not."

 "Good! So, maybe we should go into town or something," suggests Bobby.

"Are you crazy? That's dangerous!" I protest.

"How so? We're not gonna do anything, right, Jean-Paul?"

Jean-Paul looks up. "What have I done?"

Bobby shakes his head, laughing.

"I dunno, can't we have fun inside the mansion?" I ask.

Bobby's eyes light up, and he grins evilly.

"Uh oh." I say.

"I know!" says Bobby, standing up. "We're gonna come up with the best prank in the world!"

I sigh, disbelievingly. "Bobby...."

"No, he's right," Roberto chimes in. "Let's prank someone."

I roll my eyes. "But-"

"Yeah!" Bobby interrupts. "What about Cyclops?"

"Or Sam," suggests Roberto.

"Non," says Jean-Paul. "Aurora."

Bobby, Roberto and I look at him, mouths wide open, completely shocked.

"What?! You want to prank your own sister?!" exclaims Bobby.

Jean-Paul nods. "Consider it revenge."

Bobby laughs contently. "Oh, this is gonna be good."

I sigh. "It's your fault if she goes mad, Jean-Paul."

He smiles. "I know."

I look at Bobby and nod. "Let's do this."

"Just like old times," grins Bobby.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 27, 2012 ⏰

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