X-Men Fan Fic - Chapter Two

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"Hello, fellow mutants!" says Scott, obviously mocking Magneto.

There are a few scattered laughs, but they're feeble.

"Captain Jean- Luc - erm, no, wrong.... - Professor X has asked me to give this lesson because... he felt like it. Now, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, and I would tell you to beat Rick up, but that's not fair on him," smiles Scott.

I feel like killing him. Why? I hate him. With his stupid sunglasses.

"So, instead, I want you to attack John instead," says Scott.

John's mouth falls open, and I scowl angrily in Scott's general direction. What a horrible bully. John walks up to Scott, using his pyrokinesis to produce flames in the palms of his hands.

"You what, Summers?" he says angrily. "You can mess with Dick, but you can't mess with me."

He advances slowly towards Scott. Scott smiles, not looking too worried. Then suddenly John runs to the right and grabs hold of Roxanne, Scott's younger sister. The smile falls right off of Scott's face. John raises one flaming palm a few centimeters from Roxanne's face. She squirms, trying to get away from him.

"John, let go of me," she growls.

Scott has no idea what to do and, in any other situation, it'd probably be very funny. But Roxanne looks faint, as the fire is sucking all the oxygen from the air surrounding her, and I find myself worrying if she'll be allright. Also, Alex looks like he's about to take some action.

Rick, you've got to stop him,  a female voice says in my head.

I start, and Rogue looks at me, frowning. I shake my head dismissively.

Ignoring me? What, you're gonna leave me to die at the hands of a pyrokinetic lunatic? I can hear the sarcasm in her voice and immediately know it's Roxanne. I forgot she was telepathic.

What do you want from me? I ask her.

Stop Pyro (that's John) before Alex does, she replies.

I sigh. Do it yourself. You can, and you know it.

Yes. But I can't be bothered. Besides, it's good for you. No, seriously, hurry up, Alex is thinking really violent shit.

I look over to her. Whilst she's still struggling, she noticably rolls her eyes at me.

"Fine then. Here goes nothing," I say out loud.

"You what?" asks Rogue.


I walk around the line of people and approach John from behind.

Are you sure-  I start.

YES! Go on! Roxanne thinks angrily.

Taking a deep breath, I pounch on John and tackle him to the ground. I can feel him burn me, but the wounds heal as soon as they're formed, so it doesn't bother me much. Roxanne stumbles backwards, into Alex's arms.

Get away from him. Get him on the ground, thinks Roxanne.

I roll John off of me, then quickly run away from him back to Rogue's side. John pushes himself off the ground, panting. Roxanne detaches herself from Alex, standing opposite John, smirking. John looks alert, but not scared.

"Why'd you do it, Pyro?" asked Roxanne.

"Wanted to make Scott pay. You were an easy target."

Roxanne raises her eyebrows. "You what?"


"Easy target?! Unless you didn't notice, I'm not an easy target. Far from it. Now, if you'd've attacked Scott, you wouldn't've had to face the consequences. But as for me..."

Roxanne raises her left arm, palm towards John. His face falls into an expression of terror.

"Roxanne, don't," says Alex, seriously.

"You know what happens if you do this, Roxy," says Scott.

"Oh yes I do. But I'm willing to face the consequences if it means I get to do this," says Roxanne.

Everyone falls silent. Then John lets out a bloodcurdling screech.

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