X-Men Fan Fiction - Chapter One

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NOTE: Most of the ages of the characters (in relation to each other) don't match the ages of the characters in the comics :) or the movies for that matter.

~ Xavier's School ~

Ring, ring. Crap, there goes the bell. Seems I'm late for class anyway... I'm not sure I want to face my Dad right now. It'll probably be all like 'Rick, why are you late?' or 'Overslept again?'. No thanks. But, because I have to show my face at some time, I decide to go inside.

I open the door hesitantly. Inside, my classmates have already started the lesson. Mentally cursing myself, I enter quietly.

"You know, swearing is just as intolerable as being late," says Dad.

I look up, having completely forgotten he can read minds.

"Oh...oh, right. Well, it won't happen again..." I say.

"It had better not. Now sit down, class has already started."

"I figured that," I mutter under my breath.

I sit down next to Rogue, as I always do. She smiles, and I know she's trying not to laugh. Okay, this might be slightly amusing, but I'm not laughing. I start to take my books out of my bag, but Rogue stops me.

"We're doing practical today," she says, winking.

I sigh and stop, putting the books back. Normally I'd be very excited for pratical, but right now Dad's sure to make me the punching bag. And I'm a pretty strong guy, but my power is weak and useless compared to guys like Colossus and Juggernaut. And not to mention Logan... I think I might run off.

"Well, seen as there is no point in staying in here anymore, let's head up to the yard," says Dad, looking at me with an evil look in his eye.

I. Am. Totally. Dead.

Rogue and I stand up and leave the classroom, not taking our bags with us. We'll be back later.

"You've gone pale," says Rogue as we walk toward the field outside the school building.

"You surprised? I'm gonna get murdered!" I panick.

"You're exaggerating. Wasn't there something about your power making you invincible?"

That's true. Adaptive regeneration. Well, that's what people call it here. It means that if I get injured by something and heal (by myself, not with the help of superpowers), then I can never get hurt by that same thing again. And seen as I've been beaten up plenty of times by... everyone here, I'm pretty safe. But it also means there's no stopping anyone from completely murdering me. No, bad choice of words. Of course, they can't kill me. I don't really feel like explaining this to Rogue, as she won't get it.

"I'm not invincible, Rogue. I can still die. Just not if I've already hurt myself on whatever it is that's nearly killed me," I sigh.

"Well, you're the only person I know who doesn't die when I touch them," says Rogue.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt like hell. Last time you used your power on me I spent 20 minutes throwing up," I say.

Believe it or not, that's an understatement.

"Yeah, I know. But still, it doesn't kill you," says Rogue.

We've arrived outside. I stand as close to the bushes as I can without actually standing in them. People start filing into the field, and I see that chick again. Roxanne.

"Jesus, that girl is hot," I say to Rogue.

Rogue rolls her eyes. "Get a life. Talk to your guy friends about that."

"I don't have any guy friends," I remind her.

"Oh... oh yeah."

Scott marches up to the centre of the field. I don't know what people are expecting, but it looks like he's about to start teaching us. This is weird, because he's a 20 -year-old bloke and not a teacher.

"Well, this should be good," I tell Rogue.

Rogue laughs in agreement. Then Scott starts to speak...


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