X-Men Fan Fic - Chapter Nine

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Author's note: Psylocke has already been kidnapped and is back with the X-Men again. She doesn't have a relationship with Warren.... yet ^_^

She's in her original body, so she has THE EYES á la Mojo.

Also, I promise you more Northstar.


The four of us make our way towards our next - and final - class of the day. It's the one we always look forward to; it's Storm's class. We're supposed to be learning stuff, but we generally end up having a great time laughing at the other x-men and the blunders they make. Sometimes we'll discuss our favourite powers, and if someone has news we'll discuss that too. It's always fun. Today, Kitty's gonna be joining us, too, because everyone else in her class is off fighting the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants for some reason, even though they're junior to us. So they should really send us out.

Bobby pushes the door open.

"Jesus!" he yells, as he sees Storm standing right behind the door.

"You, young man, are in serious trouble," threatens Storm as she advances on Bobby.

He takes a couple of steps back. "What did I do?"

"Jean went into your room whilst you were in class."

Bobby frowns. "What was she in there for?"

"That's irrelevant. You want to know what she found in there?"

"N-not really...?"

Storm narrows her eyes. "Empty ice cream tubs. Not a few. More than a dozen. Care to explain?"

"Oh..." Bobby laughs sheepishly. "Um..."

"Ice cream is not good for you! Just because you're Iceman doesn't mean you're immune to the affects of sugar! Have you learned nothing from your parents?! If this carries on I swear I will personally teach you all of it!"

Bobby blushes. "Yeah.... no thanks. I... It won't happen again."

Like we all believe that.

"It had better not," warns Storm as she turns away.

Bobby rolls his eyes, which Storm sees. She drags him inside and forces his down onto a chair.

"What the-" starts Bobby.


Warren and I are both trying desperately not to laugh. It's not working, so we walk a couple of meters and laugh our heads off.

"You two are next!" yells Storm.

"Oh crap," I laugh.

Rogue frowns. "I.....I think I have to...um... go toilet.... I'll be back."

She runs off, and Warren and I return to the classroom, giggling softly. Bobby looks at us with wide eyes.

"Save me!" he mouths, exaggerating dramatically.

"Of course," I lie.

Warren has tears in his eyes, whole body shaking with the effort of not laughing.

"Look at me!" Storm yells at Bobby. "Don't 'play cool' just because your friends are standing there!"

"I'm hoping 'no pun intended'?" says Bobby.

"Sheesh! Right, that's it. Detention, for the next four weeks!" yells Storm.

"What? Why?" protests Bobby.

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