X-Men Fan Fic - Chapter Three

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I should explain that this never happens. We’ve all heard of Roxanne’s tantrums, when she supposedly decides to mentally harm the person who’s offended her, but we would never expect those rumours to be true. Although, now, it seems they are. No one’s moving, and I can tell everyone is holding their breath, just like me.

"Roxanne!" shouts my dad as he makes his way outside.

Roxanne looks up, startled, and immediately John stops screaming.

"I- I.... I can explain!" she stutters.

Dad raises his eyebrows. John gets up from the ground, shaking. His hands start flaming again, but Roxanne telekinetically throws him a few meters back.

"Everyone, get back inside!" orders Dad.

Most of us grudgingly make our way back inside, knowing the best part hasn't happened yet. Roxanne and John are sure to have a huge fight. Jean, Scott's girlfriend, walks up to me.

"Roxanne and John are gonna have a massive fight, I can tell," she says, smiling.

If Jean says something will happen, it will happen. My face lights up.

"Come on, let's see if there's still room at a window somewhere," I say, running off towards the school.

Jean laughs and follows behind me. Meanwhile, Dad and Roxanne seem to be having some sort of staring competition, which basically means they're talking telepathically. John looks pretty left out. Everyone's now made their way towards the school apart from Bobby, who looks like he wants to stay and help out, probably on John's behalf. Then he changes his mind and sets off towards the mansion as well.

We all hide behind the windows, looking out eagerly like little children. We can't hear what they're saying, but I doubt there'll be much talking going on.

"Charles wants John and Roxanne to sort this some other time," says Jean, filling everyone in on the situation.

"What do Pyro and Shadow think about that?" asks Bobby.

Shadow is Roxanne's code name. We have no idea why she chose that name. Well, apart from Bobby, who won't tell us.

"John doesn't mind, probably cause it'll give him an excuse to prank her and drive her insane. Roxanne wants to end it now," replies Jean.

Bobby nods. "That's two against one."

"Damn," says Jean, looking dissapointed.

Suddenly a huge flame engulfs the field. Dad can get away just in time, but Roxanne's not so lucky. Scott gasps and Bobby's hands freeze over.

"That's not really going to help," I tell Bobby, laughing.

He scowls. "I want Pyro to win this. But he'd better not hurt Ro."

"Hurt Roxanne? That's the equivalent of impossible," I say.

Bobby shrugs. "Hurt isn't the same as injure."

Roxanne's trying to run away from the fire, to no avail. She curls herself up into a ball and turns into some sort of solid metal.

"Can't John just melt her?" Jean asks no one in particular.

"That's Tungsten she's just turned into. That melts at about 3422 degreescelcius," Hank answers scientifically.

"So.. she'll be fine?" asks Jean.

"I didn't say that," replies Hank. "Mutations are caused by a race's struggle to be the dominant species. So, even though Tungsten is hard to melt, John's probably mutated to produce a hot enough flame to melt it anyway."

"What happens if she melts?" asks Bobby.

"I have no idea," says Hank.

Roxanne slowly stands up, still in metallic form, and raises her arns. The flames recede slowly, getting pushed back into John's hands. Soon enough, it's gone completely. Roxanne turns to face us in the mansion, then disappears.

"What the hell?" says Rogue.

"Oh yeah, Roxanne gained a new power a couple of days back. Got everyone in the lab worried. The whole gaining powers thing was supposed to have stopped by now," explaines Jean. "In case your wondering, she can teleport now."

"What? That's not fair," I say.

"Why not? Come on, she has to deal with terrible side effects."

Roxanne appears again, behind John. She's reverted back to normal again, and she grabs John's hair, pulling him towards her. She whispers something and disappears again. Then, without warning, John passes out.

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