“You could have gone into the bathroom.”

“Even so I did not want to.”

“Well come on because you’re going to get changed into something more Human.”

“But I like my attire.”

“Loki we’ve gone over this before.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Loki do as you’re fucking told.”

“I do what I want.”
“Not here you fucking don’t.”

Eventually after a lot of fighting and swearing on my part we arrive back at Loki’s room. I get him to wear a pair of black jeans and a loose fitting plain dark green t-shirt. He moaned a lot while I made him do this.

Once he’s fully out into his room again I order “Okay I want you to stay here while I go have a shower.”

Loki smirks in question “Can’t I join you?”

“Fuck off you perv.”

“You like me really you know that you do.”

“Deep down in the abyss of my soul I might like you slightly.”

“At least we’re getting somewhere.”

I smirk as I slip out of the door “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”

I return to Loki’s room after having a shower only to find that he’s reading a book that I don’t remember giving him.

I ask making him jump as he obviously hadn’t heard me walk in “Where’d you get that book?”

Loki snaps “Do not sneak up on me like that.”

I smirk in question “Does it make you scared?”

Loki objects “No it just makes me jump.”

I notify while putting my right hand on my right hip “You still haven’t answered my first question.”

Loki looks at me and scans my body from my still damp hair to my posture.

Eventually he notifies “Skye gave me the book.”

I ask “Do you know where she got it from?”

Loki shakes his head then asks “Why is there something wrong with me having this book?”

“No there isn’t I was just wondering if it’s from our library or if it’s one of Skye’s personal books. I’ll have to ask her later.”

“You have a library!?”

“Yes we have a lot in this mansion.”

“Can you show me around?”

“Sure I don’t see any harm in it.”

Loki quickly marks whatever page he had read up to then lightly placed it on his bedside table before jumping up to stand by me.

I grin “Someone’s eager.”

Loki admits “I like to take interest in the places that I am to reside in for who knows how long.”

I lead Loki out of the room and ask “So why are you here then?”

“I do not understand.”

“Why are you on Earth?”

“Odin banished me here.”

“For what reason...? Why did Odin banish you here?”

“He’s making me live a life with mortals to try and teach me a lesson.”

An Unusual MateWhere stories live. Discover now