chapter 24

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I started texting justin.

~text messages~

SM: What? Whats wrong?

Justin: What are you doing with Tom Daley?

SM: He was helping me with something!!!!

Justin: WITH WHAT???

SM: Cant tell?

Justin: Are you still with him!!

SM: Yeah why??

Justin: Get away from him

SM: Why??

Justin: Cause your mine and only mine.

I started to blush

Justin: Are you blushing

SM: No

Justin: Tell the truth

SM: Yes

Justin: :). Just make sure Tom does not put a finger on you.

SM: Jealous much

Justin: NO

SM: Lie ....... Bye

Justin: See ya beautiful

~ End of texting~

Tom: Ready

SM: Yeah

SM: What should I get for justin

Tom: PSP

SM: Has that

Tom: Ipad

SM: Has that

Tom: Ipod

SM: I dont know if he has that. But I have a feeling he has that.

Tom: Then I have know idea.

SM: Your good help

He starts smiling with pride.

SM: Goof

Tom: I have know idea.

SM:Jordan do you know what your going to get harry.

Jordan: Yeah

SM: Lucky you

SM: I have no idea what to get for him. What if he gets me something so expensive.

Jordan: Dont worry its easy after a while

SM: Really. What did you get Harry.

Jordan: A phone case with me and him on it and a hat that says mine. Anyway its the thought that counts.

SM: Your right. I guess. But I still dont know what to get justin.

Jordan: Give it time. But can we go so much paps are out side i feel like really going home.

SM: Yeah I feel really closterfobic.

We went to my house and Tom came with us.

We went into the kitchen and my dogs started running and jumping on tom.

SM: Sorry the get really excited when new people come over.

Tom: No problem

SM: Are you hungry

Tom: I can eat

SM: We could order in something

Jordan: Yeah

SM: What do you want??

Jordan: I call Chinese

Tom: I say pizza

SM: I wnat ice cream

Jordan: Thats no food

SM: I know but I'm in the mood for cookie dough ice cream. It's my fav


SM: OK OK!!! I want to have a BBQ

Jordan: Yeah. Thats fine by me

Tom: Ok I'll get the BBQ ready were is it.

Jordan shows him to the BBQ.

I go up to my room and look at all my drawings. Justin tells me I have a gift. I wish I could come up with what to give him.

I get a text from justin.


Justin: Miss you see you one Christmas eve.

It than hit me. I know what I'm gonna give Justin.


Authors note: Take a guess what she's gonna give him.

And I am so sorry this chapter is short I have been so busy. You know CHRISTMAS!!!!!

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