chapter 13

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I walked down stairs and see the boys onesie.

I laugh and cover my mouth and try not to laugh any more.

The boys pout.

SM: I'm sorry

I go and hug them. While I hug them justin pulls me away by the waist.

He sits down and I sit on his lap. The boys close the curtains, turn of the light and start rolling around in the sweets.

SM: Hey you gonna crumble my skittles.

I pout

The boys then throw skittles at me .

I shout and me and justin are throwing them back at them.

SM: Ok ok let's play the movie

Chad: Which one


Justin: Nooo!!!!!! Mama

SM: Ok

Chaz: Are you sure you get scared easily

SM: Justin said it wasn't scary.RIGHT!!!

Justin; Yeah

I can see he winked at the boys. He was up to something and I was ready for what ever he was going to do.I hope

We were haft way into the movie and I was scared as shit.

I was hold on to justin and ever time a real scary bit came i burry my face in his chest.

Justin: I need to go to get more popcorn.

Chaz: I'll help

They both walked out of the room.

It was about 15 minutes they have been gone.

SM: Weres chaz and justin

Chad : I dont know I'll go check.

SM: I'll come with you

Chad: No!!! You haven't seen this movie before so keep watching.

SM: Ok

I felt they werr up to something.

I was there watch the movie with ryan.

I was freaking it was so scary yet I kept watching it.

Ryan: I need to go to the bathroom.

SM: ok. I'll just be here, by myself, in a dark room.

I sigh yet he still leaves me alone.

I the movie the girl was about to into this house and I was like dont go in.DON'T GO IN THERE


then someone burst througt the door

I screamed and started crying.

They were pointing knifes at me I was so scared .

I scream "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

They had knifes in there hands

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