chapter 7

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Justin looks really mad I'm a bit scared.He must be confussed I with Alex.The  boys and selena were there. I stand up and walk to them I'm so sorry I was just upset Jordens in a coma.

Justin sighs then hugs me.I hug him back. 

Justin:Its ok just dont do that I was so worried. 

Ryan: You cant run away from everything angel.Sometimes you have to take thing on head first .

I nod and smile and kiss him on the cheek.

I see selena smile and grab justind hand. I go back and sit down beside harry and alex.We all sit down and dont say a thing harry was there beside Jorden holding her hand.

A nures comes in and says..

nurse: Visiting time is over.

All : Ok 

We all walk out and alex offered to give me a ride home. Alex walked into the car. Justin came over to me 

Justin:Do you want a ride home 

SM: Alex is driving me home thanks anyway

Justin: Is'nt he your ex

SM: yeah so to ex's cant be friends

justin: I never said that 

I sigh and look at Alex .Selena beeped the horn in the car.

SM: I'll  call you tommorow 

And i walk to the car I get in and smile at alex.

He starts the car and we go off. 

We dont talk until Alex says something 

Alex:I'm sorry 

I look at him confussed 

SM:For what 

Alex: for shouting at you                                                                                                                                          For not letting you speak                                                                                                                                        for breaking up with you 

SM:I'm sorry too 

Alex:I want to get back together 


Sorry it is so small i thought i should leave you in suspence I going to update tommorow

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