Chapter 9-Out in Open

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Niharika was enjoying her smoothie in her apartment ...her face was covered in a pack and hairs rolled up in rollers....she was dressed just in a shirt which reached her thighs....she quickly switched on the television...its was off for her...Nitin wanted time off...Niharika wanted to be with him..but a no from Nitin always was a no....she made a bored face at the airing show and quickly changed to news ....they were flashing breaking news....and in next one minute Niharika's world came crashing was the press conference of BLING Media to introduce their New CEO....Sameera Khanna....Niharika's heart was thudding....she increased the volume ....

Someone else too lost sleep watching Sam all fine....this was not good...she had comeback and now she won't sit quietly...and worst she had Raima with her

BLING Media & Entertainment

'MD BLING Media Raima Khanna aka Chairperson Media Board loves to surprise people and her this is the mother of all surprises...Ms Khanna introduced her sister as the new CEO BLING Media...and her sister is none other than Sameera Khanna..or in short the Sameera who was in relationship with super star Nitin 3 yrs back ...many believed it was Sameera who made him a star... At this press conference Sameera and Raima were bombarded with questions on Sam's whereabouts but they we present you a little glimpse of the press meet at BLING Media

Report 1; ''Raima you never said that Sameera was your twin''

Raima with a smile; ''you never asked about my family or siblings simple''

Reporter2 ; ''Sameera...where were you for 3 yrs...there were so many rumours about you didn't you feel this as a moral responsibility to clear the air''

Sam looked at Raima they gave each other a known smile; ''I was on a break...and Moral responsibility....I never created the rumours so why clear them....if someone had a question they should have searched for the answers that's what we media I right'' Sam's emphasis on we knocked everyone out....she cleared her and Raima's stand clear..and threw the ball at the reporters

Reporter 3; ''Where were you for these 3 yrs''

Sam laughed; ''you won't budge...fine I travelled...a lot..through the highs through the the dark...and finally out in light....and must say I am enjoying's good be back''

Repoter 1; ''Raima are you quitting BLING Media''

Raima; ''No I am not...and we are here to stay and for long''

Reporter 2; ''Sameera...BLING refused to work with do you have any plans of changing that''

Sam gave the reporter a sharp intimidating look; ''NO....we are not and will not work with Nitin ''

Reporter 2; ''Why ?? due to your personal issues''

Sam smiled; ''Why because Raima refused him..and I trust her decisions...and Khanna's don't mix business with relationships''

Raima looked at Snehal..and Snehal took the stage...; ''I think we are done for now....thanks to all of you....the refreshments are being severed in BLING cafeteria...please help yourself''

BLING was in shock....Sameera ...Nitin's Sameera was not a girl next door....she was their boss' twin...and now to them it looked that they were trapped between two hungry tigress ....Raima took Sam to her office..and mad her sit on the chair...since I took charge this office this chair had been empty...waiting for the rightful candidate...and here you are...Sam kept staring at beautifully Raima hid her Rini behind her eyes and smile...Sam got up and hugged her; ''there is no one whom I love more than you...remember that Rini''

Raima looped her arms tightly around Sam...closing her eyes; ''I know and same goes for you....don't leave me again...this time I will die'' Sam slapped her back...they moved back and wiped their tears when they heard a knock...Snehal walked in and her confused eyes kept darting from Raima to Sam and back... Raima suppressed her laughter looking at Snehal's innocent confused face...she asked; ''Ask Kiddo....or you will get an upset stomach''

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