"Hello, I am Kerstin London owner and CEO of A Woman's Touch." I say nervous as hell. Chance look down at my hand when I stuck it out. My long glitter fingernails shined brightly catching the sunlight. I guess he was looking for a ring.

"I am Chance Rogers, owner and CEO of Kingdom." He shook my hand introducing himself. The moment our hands touched I broke out into chill bumps and tingles all over my body. Still holding my hand, he lead me to the table and pulled out my chair for me to sit. My heart was beating wildly in my chest the whole time. Once he had touched my hand, my brain turned to mush and my thong was ruined. I loved a manly man who was a total gentlemen. Lost for words I sat my bag beside my chair as I watched him stroll confidently around the table. Chance moved with such grace, I wondered if he danced. When he finally took a seat he started to speak.

"So Ms. London would you like to have lunch first or discuss business first?" Chance ask me as he gave me his award winning smile. God he was a work of art I could feel myself staring.

"How about we enjoy lunch then discuss business." I says as heat rushed to my cheeks. Get it together sis! I yell at myself in my head as I try not to drool.

"Okay if you would excuse me for a moment," Chance says. He was up and out the door in a flash to get the waiter so we could order. When he left I released a breath I hadn't known I was holding. He was gone but I could still smell the wonderful manly scent of Velvet Deseret Oud by Dolce and Gabbana he left behind, closing my eyes I took a deep breath. When I opened them again he was back sitting there staring at me. I just smiled and tried to control my racing heart, when did he come back in? I looking up again he was still looking at me causing me to blush. I was about to speak when then waiter walked in. He shrugged and smiled, I wanted to faint he had the sexiest little dimples! Damn!

"Good afternoon," greeted the waiter, as he placed two glasses of water on the table with two menus. Chance asked for the wine list and the waiter was gone.

"Were you going to say something before he came in?" Chance asked. He sipped his water waiting for my response. I took a sip of mine and said a simple, "yes." He looked at me waiting on me to go on.

"I was going to ask you if you had been here before?" I say instead of asking him why didn't you dance with me at the club. I didn't mind when my question got me that breathtaking smile again.

"Yes, I love their smothered chicken, potatoes with a blend of veggies. What about you Ms. London?"  Chance inquired. Smiling I nodded and shivered when he said my name. I tried to hide it, I don't know if it worked though. I looked up over my menu and said "Yes, but I've never had that. Maybe that's what I'll get."

"You will enjoy it if you do get it." Chance says but his eyes were saying something totally different.

"Then I hope your right." I say closing my menu, I would be having what he suggested. As if on cue the waiter walked back in and handed Chance the wine list and took our order then left. Chance asked me if I wanted to pick the wine I told him to go ahead since he had suggested the meal I figured he knew what tasted best with it. The waiter came back and Chance ordered a white wine called Riesling, the waiter left and returned with two wine flukes and a bottle of chilled Riesling sitting on ice. He poured some in to a glass, Chance took a sip and nodded. Then the waiter was gone once more after feeling up each wine glass.

"Mr. Rogers," I call out to Chance.


I had to take a deep breath before looking up Ms. Kerstin. I felt like I would get lost in her eyes forever if I look into them to long. What is she doing to me?

"Yes," I answered giving Kerstin all of my attention. The look I gave her let her know she had my undivided attention.

She took a deep breath before she said, "Have you lived here long? You don't have an accent like most southerners."

Ahh so that's what was going through her pretty little head, I thought. Oh no I didn't have one  but she did and I loved it.

Wait, what the loved it?
What the hell?

I didn't want to think about that now, so I decided to mess with her a little bit.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked licking my dry lips as a I put on a straight face. That got me a blush for her as I tried to keep a straight face. She picked up her wine glass and took a sip as she set it down the waiter walked in with our food. She smiled and shrugged. She looked cute stealing my move. Real smooth Ms. London real smooth.

That got her a laugh from me. Kerstin smelled the food and closed her eyes, everything smelled great. When she opened them the waiter was gone and I was smiling at her. As if she felt herself blush again, she looked down at her plate trying to hide. Everything look so good Kerstin included as she licked her lips.

My smile got bigger as I said, "go ahead and taste it."

Kerstin grabbed her fork wasting no time as she took a bite. She let out a small moan and I felt a pull in his stomach and a twitch in my groin. I looked at her, she had her eyes closed still.

"So how does it taste Ms. London?" Her eyes popped open and she took a  sip of her wine.

"It taste like a little piece of heaven in your mouth," she replied gigging. I nodded then started eating my food. The rest of our lunch was quiet. I wanted to let Kerstin enjoy her food, but her little moans were getting to me. Although I was enjoying watching her eat it. The waiter came in just as we were finishing our meal, I paid of course. As soon as the waiter was out the door I spoke.

"So Ms. London, what did I do to get the honor to meet and have lunch with you?" I ask curious of why she scheduled this lunch meeting.

"I have a job for you Mr. Rogers. All reports show you're the best for the job so I picked you for the project." Kerstin says with a hint of something else hidden in her eyes.

"And what exactly is this project?" I asked as she got her bag from under the table, pulled out a folder and handed to me. I looked it over and got confused.

"You want me to build you a house?" I asked, it was a big ass house for a single woman.

"Yes, is there a problem with me getting a house built?" Kerstin asked giving me this cute little side eye.

"No but this will be one hell of a house Ms. London." I said causing her to smile.

"Yes it will be. I'll let you look it over and you can have your PA call mines." She said as she finished off her wine and started to get up. I sat the folder down and stood as Ms. London gathered her things. That's a for real deal business woman. Kerstin came ate, spoke her business and now she was leaving. I walked around to help her and she stuck out her hand.

"It was nice meeting you Mr. Chance Rogers," Kerstin say as her eyes go big and she starts blushing. Holding in my laugh I smirk at her she was adorable.

"I look forward to hearing from you in the near future." Kerstin spoke sticking out her hand for mt to grab. Shaking her hand I said, "The pleasure was all mine Ms. London. I will go over the contents of the folder and let you know within the next week or so. Let me walk you out." Grabbing the folder, I leave out after Kerstin.

As we walked out the waiter was headed their way, he handed me my card back. We stepped out the door right as my limousine was pulling up. He opened my door and nodded saying,

"Have a good evening Ms. London."
"You too Mr. Rogers", Kerstin said as she got in.


I edited this to make it better, I changed some of the wording. Lost a lot of words! There maybe still be mistake but that okay I just wanted it to read better. I have rewrote it!


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