Locked Doors

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The next morning Ella was filled with guilt. She didn't exactly know why, it was just in her nature. she didn't like how she behaved last night, but she knew it had to be done. Ella glanced sadly at her silver shoe and mask. she sighed as she put both her mask and shoe in the trunk next to her bed. Ella changed and hurried downstairs, she must finish her chores before the other woke up.

As Ella set down the three dishes in front of each person, she decided to ask how they thought the ball went.

"It was awful," the sister whined. "The prince only had his eyes on this one girl. He wouldn't dance with anyone else, and the brat ran away before he could even propose."

"that's too bad," Ella said, fighting back a smile.

The doorbell was heard from the dining room. Lady Tremaine left to answer the door. She was shocked to see the prince and his guards on her porch step.

The prince smiled warmly, "I'm sorry to show up unannounced, but my guards and I are going house to house trying to find the owner of this shoe. Do you mind if any of your daughters try this shoe on?"

"Of course not, come in," Lady Tremaine replied smugly. She would make sure that one of the girls would be going home with the prince.

"Girls, come with me. We have a guest." Lady Tremaine said. she stopped when Ella went to follow, "Cinderella follow me."

Ella obediently followed her. When they approached the girl's bedroom door, Ella's stepmother took her and pushed her into the room, following her. She opened Ella's trunk and grabbed the silver heel, and threw it against the wall, smashing it into little silver shards. Lady Tremaine pushed her farther into her bedroom locking the door from the outside. Ella pushed on the door, trying to get it open.

"I knew it was you last night!" Lady Tremaine scolded. "You will not be let out until they leave. I'll deal with your punishment later," And with that she walked downstairs to join her daughters and the prince

Ella pushed the door harder. It wouldn't budge. She looked around the room and grabbed a chair, she swung it in the air and knocked the handle off the door. Before Ella ran out of the room, she grabbed her mask and slipped it into her pocket. With one last look around her old bedroom, she ran downstairs.

Almost finished!!!!! One more chapter and it will all be happily ever after.

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