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Ella ran around the kitchen chasing the twins' cat. "Shoo, Shoo," she said quietly, "get out of here."

Once the cat was out of the kitchen, Ella grabbed the dishes of breakfast and set them down in front of the sisters. As she was walking out of the dining room, one of the sisters stuck out her foot causing Ella to lose her footing and trip. She fell in the fireplace, causing a cloud of ash to go up around her. She was covered in cinder and ash, she couldn't even tell what the colors of her pants were.

"Cinderella!" One of the sisters cackles.

"Cinderella! Cinderella!" The twins chant together, barking with laughter.

Ella wanted to say something nasty back but held it back, remembering what her mother had told her all those years ago. So instead of stooping down to their level, she walked away as quickly as she could and cleaned herself up.

Hello! I just wanted to say sorry for such a short chapter, but I felt that I needed to explain how she got the name Cinderella.


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