Chapter 16 - Hallowed out memories of you and I

Start from the beginning


Kim P.O.V

"Why the hell are you doing this here on my birthday? You are one of my closest friends and now you are telling me this?"I say looking at him in surprise and shock. I feel so dumb really.

"I can't help how I feel and I don't want to hide it. Why is it such an impossible thing to think about?"He asks looking at me like a hurt puppy. Damn stupid boys.

"Kevin you have a daughter okay and if we were to be together than Austin would get attached to her. It would hurt him if we broke up I have to think about him first. Not to mention Fred.."I say almost whispering the last part.

"And what if it works and you have nothing to worry about?"He says smiling.

Stepping backward I shake my head not allowing myself to think about it. I couldn't take all of this in right now. This was the worst timing her could have.

"This is so selfish of you."I say clearly pissed and walk passed him. When I get to the kitchen I look for a drink and grab a beer and silently curse all men for always having to cause drama. Things were perfect with us as friends why the hell did he have to change that. Things won't be the same again.

Pissed as hell I look over to see a red head sitting at the kitchen counter sipping on a drink not really talking to anyone.

"Hey aren't you Fae?"I ask making her jump a little as her beautiful eyes settle on me taking me in.

"Oh right you are the Birthday girl. Kimberly right?"She asks and I nod

"Yeah but you can just call me Kim. So how are you enjoying the party?"I ask seeing her frown a bit and force a smile nodding

"Its great."She says trying to sound convincing.

"Don't worry I think it sucks too."I say sitting on the seat next to her seeing her watch the dancefloor.

"This guy that I was friends with just told me he liked me and I was like dude we are friends but no he had to fuck that up as well. You know sometimes I wish guys were like girls. Drama free."I said hearing a snort come from Fae.

"How about you travel five hours with a girl to her best friends party she doesn't introduce you and you are left alone for three hours and are forced to watch her and some girl basically having each other right there. I don't even want to freaking be here to be honest. I feel so humiliated."She says staring at the ground.

I really did feel bad for her but I knew who Hannah was dancing with and I was already pissed now she had to hurt this poor girls feelings. Why would my sister want to keep up this silly charade if she knew things with her and Beth just aren't happening.

"Well you could walk away or stay either way both options are going to hurt you because there are some intense feelings with her and my sister. Something about lost love .Maybe both of them need to grow out of each other. Just you know take the lead go and grab her hand and dance with her. Surprise her. Be daring and show that you like her. If it doesn't work than at least you tried. You do that and ill kill my sister for you okay?"I say seeing her smile at that and nod

"I'm not going to fight for her if she doesn't want me fighting. I'm just actually going to go I got us a hotel she can sleep over here right?"She asks taking her purse

"Yeah sure."I say watching the beautiful girl walk out the door and Hannah not even noticing. I really need another drink. These two are really making my head hurt.

Beth P.O.V

By the time everybody went home and we had finally stopped dancing I walked into my room and fell on my bed kicking off my shoes. I think it was a pretty successful party well except for Kevin storming off into the night. I hope Kim enjoyed it because I sure wasn't going to enjoy cleaning this place up tomorrow.

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