Ninja hounds

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"See this is what happens when you ask another ninja to puppy sit while you are out"

Oh sorry!

Hello again fudgedingos ( ha you thought you were chocolate elks) today is going to be a filler as the chunnin exams is gonna take a while so here is today's topic

Okay a couple of chapters back we discovered that Aki's summoning animal ( or animals) was a pack of ninja hounds nicknamed the "storm fifteen".

So we really only got to know about Kira. And now I will mention a few others so that you know who I am talking about in future chapters.

So here is the list so far


First is Kira ( translation killer )

First is Kira ( translation killer )

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He is a King shepherd dog. He wears a red leaf headband around his neck and is recognizable from his scared chest, muzzle and nipped ears. He is the war commander of the pack. Known to "attack now and ask questions later".


Speed: 6/10

Strength : 6/10

Size: 5/10

Intelligence: 7/10

Endurance: 4/10

Weapon skill: 3/10





Next is Maru

A small dog but what he lacks in size he makes up for in tracking

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A small dog but what he lacks in size he makes up for in tracking. He wears a leaf headband ( like pakun) and a black vest. More of the persistent and never give up type of dog. Very quick to follow a sent and often leaves the group behind. (He is secretly summoned by Aki to help her train her clan ability with tracking and is one of the only storm fifteen to have seen the Kemono clan forest compound)


Speed: 8/10

Strength :0/10

Size: 1/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Endurance: 7/10

Weapon skill: 5/10





Next Takao

Wearing her headband as a bandana around her neck and having bandages wrapped around her lower legs below her knees

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Wearing her headband as a bandana around her neck and having bandages wrapped around her lower legs below her knees .She is probably the Shikamaru of the dog world. Her IQ is roughly 215. She is a strategist of note. She also has been taught how to use clawed weapons( which she attaches to her feet forming more lethal claws) to fight.Protective and values people close to her.


Speed: 7/10

Strength : 6/10

Size: 5/10

Intelligence: 11/10

Endurance: 6/10

Weapon skill: 7/10


Fighting:7/10( 8/10 with clawed gloves



Lastly the Saluki twins Kamikaze & Tatsumaki

Tatsumaki (boy)

Kamikaze  (girl)

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Kamikaze (girl)

A brother and sister

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A brother and sister. Both wear bandages around their heads( ears open), down their necks and all along their legs,wearing the vests.These two were breed of speed. Reaching some speeds that can't be seen with a naked eye. These two are bubbly and always get into trouble. Yet they really help when it comes to retrieving wanted items.


Speed: 10/10

Strength : 3/10

Size: 4/10

Intelligence: 6/10

Endurance: 2/10

Weapon skill: 5/10

Tracking: 6/10





So that is the five that I will be mentioning today. Keep reading to find where they came in use during the exams.

And who knows maybe you will learn about the next five sooner than you think?

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