True grit and Forgiveness

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Hello my caramel possums so this is the moment you have all been waiting for..... The creature who causes chaos in the festival.... And a great lesson for all


"This was going to take a lot of guts to even think of doing this" Akie thought to herself when she saw it.

It was a monstrous Golden Cobra. In the most aggressive mood you could get in a snake . Lashing out at everything that moved , hood raise , hiss like cooking meat on a barbecue. This was one pissed off snake and everyone knew it.

This thing stood 2 meters off the ground not to mention the extra 7 meters on the ground .

On no no no . Their is a kid their passed out I presume . But crap this snake is highly venomous . If I don't take action now she will die .( but then again I am extremely petrified of snakes )

~~~~~~ flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hay dad look what I just caught". A young girl said as she ran towards her dad.

" woah be careful my pup hold it by the head or it will bite you" the father said as he was about to take the snake from his daughter.

Aghh it bit me, it bit me in the leg. She yelled as she clutched her ankle in pain on the ground . She then grabbed the snake by the tail and got hold of it's head did a few hand signs then .


After that she collapsed on the ground from the venom from the snake . Her father picked her up and ran with her to the hospital . After that she to wear a anklet to protect it from further bites. Many people laughed at her for months after . But she had always been after that moment petrified of snakes.


I snapped back into reality.

Ghaaaa! Guess I have no choice now I am a ninja it is my duty to protect the village and the people living in it .

Then I herd my dad's voice in my head " Remember My girl true bravery is not not being afraid, it is being petrified but still doing it out of a need to protect".

Then I agreed . " Tenten get to the hospital and get some medics over here now!" I yelled .she ran back through the crowd . I had one job here and that was to get that kid safe . But the only way was to fight through the snake. I had to do it. Well good thing I had written my will already.

I unhooked my bow staff from its carrier and slid it out slowly from my back and positioned it for attack. Then I ran out of the crowd and into point blank range of the snake . It turned its head to me and raised its magnificent golden hood . Snap !it's jaws snapped shut I fount of me just as I jumped out of the way.

Now we had a fight ! I landed a few meters away from were I was and positioned into a new stance with my staff pointing to the ground the snake turned around to face me with its demonic yellow eyes. It then struck out at lightning speed and I dug my staff into the ground in front of me and used the tension caused in its bend to flick me over the snake. I was moving over and around the snake and just as I thought it was tired I found it about to ram into me head on. No time to dodge ! As it opened its massive jaws I grabbed a foot long fang in each hand and held my ground as it kept on pushing. I used all the strength that was left in me and lurched left downwards . With the sudden change in weight balance the massive beast fell down with with me. As its head hit the street I sat down on it to hold it down . Just then the medics had arrived along with a couple of Jounin ninja to assist with the snake .

Man The look on their faces when they saw it was just a newly graduated Genin who took down the snake . ( hehe their jaws had dropped to the ground ) Then one of them grabbed my bow staff and used it to hold it's head down while I went to uncoil the girl from the snake . Then I saw as I gently pulled her out that their was a paper bomb on her wrist with two puncture holes in it ( I presumed that the snake had bit her there) . Wait a second !

The Jounin were about to cut its head off . I ran and just as they were about to bring the Kunai down on its head I put my had in the way. The blade sliced my palm as red dripped from my hand to the ground I said.

" let the snake live! It's life is in no way less a value than yours. It was only doing what it was born to do . Disintegrate paper bombs,the kid had one on her . That snake you were just about to kill was saving someone's life and this is how you repay it. I will show you how harmless it really is. ( just god please help me remember those hand signs that I used when I was bitten last)

They released the snake on my demand ( well who would argue with a pissed off girl with a bow staff). They stepped back quickly as the snake rose up to two meters high.

Then the snake slithered towards me and raised its hood once again but it bent down to me and put its snout against my forehead protector as a way of saying "thank you for sparing my life". It lowered its head and I did the hand signs. I remember now the snake reminded me somehow. After that I kissed it's head and .


The same white light as 7 years ago but this time I was ready to see what happened. The snake had become 1 m in length and slithered up my leg around my shoulders and hung like a necklace.

( ah ha so that is what that set of hand signs do the domesticate and shrink the snake I think I will call it . Secret Jutsue fang scale domestication! Yes!)

A older man came out of the crowd and walked towards me and said.

" young child you have protected our village from that snake . But mainly I want to thank you for sparing that snakes life. No creature deserves to die like that. So I think that you got yourself a new job . I can give you a building in town as your headquarters for a snake capture center and I will oversee with the Hokage that you get trained in toxicology by our medics." He said.

" it's the least I can do after how you saved my daughter " he grinned

( hello wake up Akai * internally slapped self* you are not dreaming)

Wow..... Thanks but I don't deserve it what I did was nothing special.

" no I insist " he said

"Okay but how am I going to run that shop and be a ninja."

" the shop can wait the training that matters " he went off in the direction of the Hokage's office.

What a crazy night. Not to mention that I need to be put on my team tomorrow.

I walked back home with Tenten and of corse the gorgeous cobra who was really a caring snake but man is he trouble. Knowing the mayhem that tomorrow has in store for all us graduates. Just coming into the great world of the shinobi.


So my lovely readers how did you like that please tell me you didn't expect that to happen. Well who will her team be .... Leave suggestions in comments and praise for this chapter....

Peace out for now.....

And remember don't go round playing with snakes if you want to see tomorrow 🐍


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