Purple rain and a new face

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Greetings once again to my now official chocolate elks. Chapter six is here and next chapter we shall meet the rest of the cast in the ( epic gladiator battles of the ) Chunnin Exams!

Shout out to Kieara my friend. Surprise gift for your party.

So let us continue from were we left off.


I almost stubbled out of the tree. But caught myself on a branch. It was a blonde haired knuckle-head who then continued jumping through the trees.

"Well that was a close one." I thought as I turned my attention to my team who had just arrived at the training grounds.

" Well today my youthful students I shall be testing your different physical abilities. So let us start with speed." Said sensei.

I couldn't hold in my excitement. I jumped down saying

" Mind if I join you guys." Landing a few meters away from them. They all looked shocked .( well except Neji who was being a brat ( well I am still mad at him after the backpack incident)). "

" We thought you were going to be in hospital for at least 3 days!" Said Tenten.

" Now then we now have even numbers. Aki you will be racing Lee and Neji will be racing Tenten." Exclaimed Sensei who seemed more enthusiastic than ever.

~ time skip ~

Tenten had just lost her race and now It was Lee and I who were to race. We got into our starting positions.

" 20 times around the track and first to cross this line wins!" Said sensei," On your marks!, Get set!, GO!" he yelled and we were off.

We were neck and neck but then Lee started to get ahead by a few meters. We what now started our 15th lap when I started to notice that my pace was speeding up and I was catching up to Lee. I just kept on accelerating till I was ahead of Lee by 5m as I crossed the Finnish line. Now Lee was going on about how one day he will beat me in a race.

~ yet another time skip ~

Now after we had finished training I walked home. Now the sun had just set and it started to drizzle. I carried on walking then the drizzle turned into a downpour which I could barely see a couple of meters ahead of me.

Now it was really dark and all I could see was the dim lights of the houses on each side of the road. Suddenly I heard a voice call from the left hand side of the street.

" Hay come here and wait out the rain here!" Said a voice of a girl. I ran towards the sound of the voice. The light from the houses grew stronger as I came closer.

I then arrived at a flower shop where I saw a blond haired girl. Waving at me she gestured me inside.

" thanks" I said warily thinking if I should go inside being so soaked from the rain.

"Its nothing " she said. She then turned towards me seeing that I was wary and not coming inside," It's is okay. Come in, I will quickly get you a towel." she then ran to a cupboard and got a towel out and handed it to me.

I started drying myself off and ringing out the water from my hair. I sat down on the floor relaxing after a long day of training. She then sat down in front of me. ( she was about the same height as me but I suspected that she was a year younger than me)

" Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ino Yamanaka my family runs the Yamanaka flower shop." She said holding out her hand.

" Aki" I replied , " Aki Inuzuka" I said as I took her hand and shook it.

We then spent the next 10 minutes talking together. She was mainly talking about a guy she liked and her rival.

After that the storm cleared and I was off again, heading home. I hope to see her again soon. Then soon after she arrived home again. So exhausted that as soon as I went into my room I flopped down onto my bed and was fast asleep.

~Mishiko's pov~

I had just arrived back home expecting pup to be waiting for me. Only to find when I went upstairs that she had fallen asleep. She must have been tired after all the training Gai gave them today. I chuckled. Then I pulled a holster out from my bag.

It had two stainless steel assassin short swords in it

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It had two stainless steel assassin short swords in it. One in either side of the holster. It was her early birthday present from her mother. She had just been assigned a new mission and she was going to miss it. Though I must say these swords will help her in fighting as she has already got great control over her staff, this is a more difficult weapon to handle.

Well now since she is asleep maybe tomorrow. I then went to my room to sleep.


Sorry if this chapter was very short, I can't wait for the exams though. Will Aki have trained enough to pass. Will her new weapons ( the short swords and her summoning animals) be of any use.

then watch out for chapter 7 - The Exams begin!

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