Power unleashed

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Hello again chocolate fruit bats. I have now grabbed my popcorn and 3D glasses for this next adrenaline rush of a chapter. Hope you are all prepared for what happens....

As the powers are unleashed and let to run like a pack of wolves!


A few seconds later her eyes flickered open. She wasn't dead.

Aki then pulled her staggering body coughing up blood to find Chika, the lion and Kenji who's domestication jutsue broke that second and he grew to full size and were they all pissed off. Chika hackles were raised and she snared like a rabid beast, the lion was roaring so loud that the ground shook and Kenji had hood raised and in all out hiss.

If the rough ninja wanted to even touch Aki they had to get through them!

The then ran towards them. In full force.

Then Aki stood up shaking and did a bunch of hand seals. If she was going to use this she had to use it now.

She sliced the tip of her thumb with her canine tooth.


As she slammed her hand on the ground a summoning circle appeared. Then a sudden puff of smoke rose from it engulfing everything around it. Then as it disappeared 15 different dogs appeared each in sum way similar with vests, bandages or leaf head bands. Aki had summoned ninja hounds.

The one ran towards Aki. It was a golden Labrador with deep blue eyes and a black vest and bandages on her back legs started licking Aki's wounds and pulled out the kunai. Suddenly the wounds didn't sting though they were still bleeding. Was this a medical hound? A large Germansheperd with battle wounds all over his chest and ears wearing red leaf headband tied around his neck ran towards the seven ninja.

"HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU SCUM EVEN THINK ABOUT LAYING A HAND ON THIS GIRL!" He said bearing his 3 inch canines in threat. "YOU WILL PAY!" He said as he launched himself into the air and bite the one around the jugular and the other 13 join in the attack. Biting and clawing at the two ninja. Tenten rushed to Aki.Lee,Neji , Gai sensei, Chika, Kenji and the lion joined in the attack.there was a massive brawl. Just as Kenji was about to land the final blow.

They suddenly disappeared. The Germansheperd was enraged. Barking like mad. He finally calmed down and walked back to Aki.

" Sorry malady they got away the bastards! But let me introduce myself, I am Kira and we are the storm fifteen. A elite group of ninja hounds each with our own abilities. I hope in the future you may get to know the rest of our pack." He said before they all disappeared.

Aki collapsed on the ground exhausted holding herself up on her hands and knees. Her breath wheezing.

Gai sensei then carried her and ran back to Konoha to get medical ninja to look at the wounds which didn't stop bleeding.

~ after arriving at the hospital ~

" I'm sorry Gai the medical team is not done with her you can't visit yet. I will notify you when you can come." Said the lady at reception who was being pestered by Gai sensei to let his team see how she was doing.

" But you must let us in I am her sensei " he argued.

" I am sorry but please take a seat while you wait" she said before a brown haired man stormed into the reception with a dog at his heels.

" Were is my daughter I have to see her, is she alright!" He said banging his fist on the desk.

" Mishiko! Come through! Aki is on the third floor ward 152" she said as she opened the door for him and he ran through the dog in tow.

/ inside the ward room/

The last of her back wounds had stopped bleeding. And now Tsunade was bandaging it up. And I laid back.

" You have to rest here for a couple of hours before we can let you go home but I know that your team and dad are desperate to see you." She said and we chuckled at the thought of them trying desperately to get in.

Suddenly the door burst open and my dad ran towards my bed. He came and hugged me tight and Chika pushed through licking my face. Tsunade then smacked the two across the face as my back needed to recover and they were going around Hugging it.

" So pup, are you alright? " he asked frantically. Rubbing his cheek were he had just been slapped.

" I'm alright dad just my back stings" I said. I then wandered how Lee and the others were going to get in.

/ back at reception/

" What you Let him in but not us! Who the heck is he anyway!" Yelled Gai sensei.


Just then the a silver haired jounin (who we should all know) walked in carrying a bunch of flowers. And started to talk with the lady at the desk.

" Hi my friend Chika asked me to bring these for Aki, so if I could just leave them with you....."

No no! Go through Aki is on the third floor ward 152." she said with pink on her cheeks.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked through with the bunch of flowers.

-5 minutes later-

" Okay Gai you may go through." She said in a relieved voice.

He then ran through followed by his students.

- back yet again in the ward-

Aki was enjoying a great chat with her dad and Tsunade when the door burst open and Gai sensei ran in. Tears practically streaming down his face. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Mishiko and stopped crying. He began asking if I was okay and when I was going to be able to start training.

A couple seconds later his students came in who had ran out of breath trying to keep up with their sensei who went speeding up to the ward. After receiving a bunch of bouquets of flowers from multiple people who came to see me. Visiting hours were over and Tsunade was herding everyone out to let me sleep a bit. I fell asleep very quickly with the newfound silence.

A few hours later Tsunade woke me up so I could leave the hospital. I arrived home to my dad and my mom ( who had just returned from another mission ). For one I got a early nights rest. Of which was all watched over by two green cat-like eyes In the night was still there watching over the sleeping village. The lion who walked on his own.

The next day I woke up and went down to the training grounds to suprise my team. Well I didn't tell them I could be back in action today. So the wait is on I sat once again taking out a scroll and having Kenji sliding out to catch a few mice for breakfast. Just then I heard my team and hid in the trees as they arrived. I was ready to pounce when I heard someone behind me. Only to find..


Well if you want to know who it was leave suggestions for who it will be or I will choose one. This chapter is dedicated to the waked out friend of mine who I based the receptionist off. Tattapossum you inspire me for some of the most briefly seen characters but who still leave a lasting impression with their reactions to different situations


Wolfrider5 🐺

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