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Remembering old friends
At funerals seems to be my pastime now
Glory days are long gone,
Giving way to experiences I didn't know I'd had.
Ever since Saturday I've only listened to one song, one of his favourites:
Don't Think Twice It's Alright.

Fifty or sixty times.
'Tis a thing of beauty that song but I...
Never listened to it a much as I wanted to until now.

Creatively, I have no idea how Bob put those words together. Believe me, I've tried.
Lately though, I've just been trying to listen better and stick to my own muse.
Others have tried to name her. Marianne, or whatever.
We all have our own voice once we find it.
Now, what was it you wanted?

A Thousand Requiems Buried on the Northern PrairieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang