Mourning Comes

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I feel like somebody died today.
Maybe just now.
Maybe a while ago, I don't really know.

But empathizing death is like prayer
If it's technically too late it doesn't matter
You do the thing anyway
Because the timeline isn't really real anyway.

So somebody died.
Someone I know from a long time ago but lost track of
I wish I had the opportunity, but I know I would have wasted it.

I would have been able to reach out and tell that person how they affected me
And how they left me with lifelong memories
Of a charming smile and an enthusiastic approach to the mundane
As if mundane were not even a real word.

Just like that time I saw Sasha waiting tables and
The Universe wanted me to walk up and say hi but I didn't.
And I never saw Sasha again
Back to Russia maybe. Maybe not.

The mourning though
Never changes.

Conversations are different every time, and unpredictable
When we dare to have them
But mourning
Always comes the same.

His name was Ed.

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