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I remember the cupcakes.
I watched a small boy focus his full attention on one.
Chocolate, with chocolate icing.
They were that rich kind, where the icing on top makes it twice as tall, and promises
That the first bite will put your body into shock while you're still looking at it.
Those cupcakes.

The reception hall was packed tight with
So many people that I had forgot,
Or forgot that I knew.
But her nephew, now a grown man, called me by name.

"No, I no longer wear the beard. Yes... Yes that was a long time ago. Right. It seems like yesterday."

"Thanks again for coming."

"My condolances. Peace to you."

** An Epilogue Yet to Come **

As a full grown adult now, as a child then,
The memory of rich cupcakes with rich icing
Somehow brings sadness and longing to that boy.
Somehow it's a bite of something one can never get enough of
Was it at my grand-auntie's funeral? How can I now know?
The lingering memory not quite firmly in place,
This memory of something long ago that was beautiful
But everyone around was sad that day.

A Thousand Requiems Buried on the Northern PrairieWhere stories live. Discover now