Chapter 2- First Battle

Start from the beginning

The Killer Whale came closer, readying himself to strike again. Panting, I tried to raise my weapon to defend myself. Before either could do anything, a dome formed around me, giving off a glow. The both of us did a double take at it. He slammed himself against it but it stayed, protecting me from the blow. Every time he attacked, it sounded like he was hitting glass for some reason.

A warm feeling passed through me. Not an unpleasant heat but something like a hot tub at just the right temperature. Strength and hope returned to my body and I felt better than before. My wounds healed. I whipped around to see if there was anything around.

Tanith was face to face with me.

"Tanith? I though I told you to stay with the troops!"

Her concerned eyes suddenly turned relieved and then something else... Annoyed maybe?

"You needed more help then the troops. Plus, Professor is helping them but Cody. Seriously! You took on the leader of the Killer Whales alone while injured and attacked head on? What kind of idea is that?" I suddenly remember the whale and the bubble. "Wait. What-" I peeked behind her for a crazy scene. Her Staff was in the ground and produced a dome over us, like a protective force field.  "Holy crap man. How are you doing this stuff? Why did I never learn you knew magic like this?"

She just chuckled, swaying just a bit. "I always knew it and you didn't ask. Anyways, I didn't really think this far ahead but I'm going to put the shield down. It's getting hard to maintain and honestly, I'm seeing spots here. Are you ready to defeat this guy?" I nodded, smiling. She picked up the Staff and retracted the bubble, allowing me to attack again.

This time, I was winning, landing blow after blow, barely getting any myself. The thing was, he wasn't stopping. "Come on! Give up already!" I spoke through gritted teeth. "NEVER!" He shouted, even though it was just him and one other follower who was almost out of juice. "FINE THEN!" I gripped my weapon and shoved the end into his head, making him drop. "Stay down!" I ordered him. He growled in response. "You Atlanteans have no respect for us animals! We are Atlanteans too!"

A wave of sympathy passed through me. "I'm sorry man but, you started to attack us. We were just defending. Maybe we can work something out for you guys, make you a nice big place to live?" He didn't respond, looking down. "I'll take that as a yes. Now you just stay here, I'm going to talk to the Professor." I turned for a second and started to walk away.

Shifting occurred from behind, and when I turned my head, the leader was approaching at an alarming rate. I had seconds before he caught up. My mind began to race as he grew ever so closer. His eyes were locked on to me.

When he came near, I jabbed my spear right in his stomach. He paused before crumbling to the ground.

He was dead.

I just stared at what I'd done. Feeling nothing at first, before a wave of emotions came crashing down. "What have I done?" I whispered, horrified. "Cody?" The feminine voice sounded so far away. Bad memories came flooding back like a tidal wave.

It's just like

"You have hurt Atlantis too many times!"

"You took my baby! What do you want from me?"

"Your reign of terror ends here!"

"Oh really? What are you going to do, kill me?"

Last time.

"CODY STAY WITH US!" A voice came out of no where. "CODY SNAP OUT OF IT!" Another voice shook me. No wait. I was LITERALLY being shaken. "Wha-?" I answered half heatedly. Tanith's white face was right in front of me, Pikalus not too far behind. "Whoa! Give a man some space!" I stepped back. Both stepped back, Tanith held her hands up in defense. "Sorry but, you were really out of it. You kinda looked like you were going to pass out. Are you okay?" The hybrid asked. "Yeah, your face went all pale and your eyes were wild. Did you lose a lot of blood or..?" Professor Pikalus examined me closely. I pushed all the thoughts away. Shaking myself, I answered.

"I'm fine."

After everything, we managed to sort it out, creating a new design for a place for the Whales to peacefully live. Guilt still ran through me but for now, I could live with it. Everything was sorted out and everything was fine.

But it still wasn't at the same time.

Could I have solved that more peacefully? The question rang through my head, even as I tried to sleep.


Here's chapter two. Hope you enjoyed it! Tell me what you think.


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