Chap 6: Don't come near her

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(Paps looked at your earnest figure washing the dishes and smiled. She is nice... However, nobody knew, at the door, a skeleton was standing there glaring dagger at every single movement of you. )

"Uhm, hey, My name's Papyrus. May I ask for your?" You can hear Papyrus behind you trying to find a topic to speak. His voice was gentle, just like how Grillbz talked to you, so you decided to trust Papyrus a little bit. "I'm [Y/N], [Y/N] [L/N]..." You finished doing the dishes and turned back to sit in front of Papyrus.

Papyrus looked like he was black-out at that moment thinking about something. Then, he realized it, so he looked at you sighing. "I'm really sorry for Sans' behavior. He is a guy who extremely hates human, no... It's in his bones, the hatred for human." You giggled listening to it. Papyrus had just made a pun. Papyrus looked at you giggling and smiled bashfully because he did it unnoticedly and thought that maybe Sans wasn't a bad influence at all. 

After a short happy moment between you and Papyrus, you started to stop smiling and became silent because you could understand what Papyrus wanted to say. The danger of being near Sans, how much he would killed me, how much hatred he was feeling, and how afraid I was facing him. Maybe... Just maybe... That was why you had those prophetic dream telling you about what you had to face in the future.

The danger awaited you when you fall, the feeling of being torn apart, and the fear of his approach. The reason why you were feeling all of it was that someone or something wanted to warn you about him, about Sans... You looked down to see your fists clenched tighter. The nails on your hand were piercing through your skin. Blood started to flood down. You could feel your blood boiling... Is it anger or fear? You don't know.

Papyrus noticed that you were acting strange. He called out for you but you couldn't heard him. You only saw him reaching his hand toward you. At this moment, the only thing you knew was that you couldn't do anything, you could think normally but your body wouldn't listen to you.

Then, you turned back to look at your hand and saw your nail's length. OMG...! Your body was changing. You felt scared. You was so afraid that you used those nails to stabbed your leg to hide it. The pain again...

Papyrus freaked out seeing your weird action and expression, especially the amount of blood which was streaming non-stopped. You kept looking down your hand and leg which was bleeding. Then, when Papyrus was about to stopped you from hurting yourself, a flame ignited on your hand and leg. Then, all of your wounds healed immediately as you starting to lose consciousness again. It's Daddy... You smiled as you knew you could rely on one person to save you, and you closed your eyes for a good sleep.

"Ehem..." Papyrus could hear a sound from the door which chilled him down to his bones. Therefore, he turned over to see Grillby standing there holding Sans by grabbing his hoodie. "I trusted both of you." Grillby flamed turned into crimson red, which terrified Papyrus as well as Sans because he was so blue then. Grillby dropped Sans down and walked toward the you who was sleeping soundly with your hand stuck to your leg. 

"Let's go home, my daughter." Grillby picked you up and carried you in bridal type. As he was going out of the skelebros' house, he glanced back at them. "I have my eyes on you guys. If you hurt my daughter. You're as good as dead." Then, he slammed the door and carried you home as the fire was still treating you.


Phew... And I thought I would be dead... I could remember yesterday tragedy after I knocked the human girl unconscious.


"SANS!!!" Grillbz yelled out angrily. "What have you done?" After dazing for such a long time trying to heal the girl's wound, Grillbz glared dagger at me. What the hell is wrong with Grillbz?  I only responded back at him with a huff. 

At that moment, Grillbz snapped. The atmosphere in the restaurant was getting hotter and hotter. I, luckily, was born as a skeleton so I couldn't feel the heat. Nonetheless, seeing the wine bottle at the back evaporated extremely quick, I could understand how scary this situation was.

Though, I had never seen Grillbz this angry. Most of the human, whom were picked up by Grillbz just like [Y/N], didn't even worth his care. However, this human girl was different. Grillbz allowed her to live there. He cooked for her, taught her about the underground world, and so many thing. Now, he even protecting her like she was his daughter.

I became furious. "Why would you care for her so much?" I yelled at him, but he didn't say anything. He still kept being silent and treating her wound. When I was at the limit of my patience and about to ultimately killed her, Grillbz spoke up. "Because all of the thing she had experienced was not much different from you." I paused to listen to him. "I met him, Sans." This wasn't what I expected him to say.

Did Grillbz just said that he met him? I looked at again to make sure what I heard was right. But Grillbz said it again. "I met him Sans, and he said that he wanted me to take care of this girl because this girl live the same fate as you. Furthermore, he told me to give you his message that he was sorry for making you experience what you shouldn't."

No! I don't believe you! I started to struggle with what was happening, Grillbz kept on saying without letting me say anything "He told me that after watching over this girl, he finally realized his sins of destroying you. He said that he wanted to save her as he couldn't save you. He said that..." 

I couldn't stand it anymore "SHUT UP!!!" Grillbz looked at me with a confused look. "I don't want to hear anymore lies from him. And how the fuck did he compared me with a mere human?"

Grillbz just sighed "Then... Why don't you try to live with her just for one day? Although I had little hoped, I doubt that you would be friend with her better than Papyrus." He shoved the human girl into my arm. He finished healing her? 

I looked down and saw scars and wounds on her whole body, especially from the part which the bones pierced through earlier. But after a second look, these scars were much bigger and deeper than my attack could do. 

"Can you see those scars and wounds? Those aren't made from you. It's from her father." Grillbz turned his back towards me and walked into the kitchen, leaving the girl with me. Oi, oi, oi... What does he mean by that? And what the fuck should I do with her?

I carried [Y/N] out of Grillby's to take her to my house. I wasn't aware that Grillbz was serious in adopting this girl until I saw how terrible it was the scene outside. Just a few minutes ago, Grillbz was so angry that he created a burning heat so hot that the snow in a parameter of 20 meters around the place melted. Ugh... next time, I won't be messing with Grillbz... I shivered remembering his burning aura.


Grillbz Papa :333 Oh how much I love him <3 

Btw :< this is not a Grillbz x readers so don't worry... It's just that I wanted to give the abnormal girl a cool father ;)  

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