Chap 7: Papyrus's dream

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(I carried [Y/N] out of Grillby's to take her to my house. I wasn't aware that Grillbz was serious in adopting this girl until I saw how terrible it was the scene outside. Just a few minutes ago, Grillbz was so angry that he created a burning heat so hot that the snow in a parameter of 20 meters around the place melted. Ugh... next time, I won't be messing with Grillbz... I shivered remembering his burning aura.)

_________Continuing flashback_______

Sans's POV:

I took her back home safely, without Paps noticing. I carried her into my room and let her sleep there. When I put her down, she started to curled into a shrimp shape. She put her head at her knee, and her hands wrapped around it to keep her in that pose.

Such a weird sleeping pose. I was about to get out of the room until I heard a voice at my door. "Wow, that was unexpected, you - Sans - taking care of ... a human... and a girl nonetheless." Papyrus leaned at the door looking straight at the human girl as if he was examining her. 

"I didn't want to do it anyway. It was Grillbz who forced me to." I denied Pap's words and walked outside. When I passed him, I could hear him mumbling something. "That girl..." I turned around to look at Paps who was still staring at the human girl. "What did you say Paps?" Then, Paps looked at me and shook his head walking back to his room. What the hell...?

Papyrus's POV: 

The girl that Sans brought in reminded me of those dream I used to have. I would opened my eyes into a dark abyss and saw Father standing there waiting for me like he was expecting me to come. Then, he led me into a dark room to watch over a little human girl who was tortured my a mad scientist.

There were also days when he only stood by and watched that girl being hit and changed into something weird and creepy. It was extremely scary for me to watch her. However, when I saw her smile which was so sweet and kind toward father, I realized that she resembled a person I know. 

A person who was so kind and warm-hearted, who would always try to make me laugh no matter what happen, the person who would give me every love he had - Sans. But, most important, everything is just was . It was all the past. That kind and warm-hearted person now turned into a cold-blooded devil, who would eliminated any human in his sight. 

Therefore, seeing how this girl was tortured, I couldn't stand it anymore. I wanna save her, both her life and her smile. I wanted to give her the kindness and protection that she wished for. I wanted to give her the most wonderful time she'd ever had.

I could remember everytime the mad scientist wasn't there, she went bac to her her sleeping place, which was a metal box of around one square meter. Because of how small it was, she had to curled herself into a shape that could fit inside. As a result, it caused extreme pain for her back later when she woke up. I could never imagine someone who could sleep in such a weird pose like that. 

Luckily, she was able to kill her father - the mad scientist - in the end thank to Father encouragement. However, after she killed her father, I didn't get those dream again. It's like after she was freed, father stopped appearing in my dream, and now, that girl was sleeping on Sans's bed. But... oh well at least she still had that smile which both of us was trying to save.

___________End Flashback___________

Author's POV (why not?)

You opened your eyes and saw yourself laying on the bed while Grillbz was holding your hand tightly, sleeping and sitting next to you. You smiled feeling the warm and kindness of having a 'real' father. Just like when you were young, your smile, you tears, your pouting act, all of those are what matter the most to your Father. Then, you brushed away all of your bad thoughts and started to slip through Grillbz's hand and went out to find Papyrus since you wanted to make friend with him. 

Now, you were standing in front of the skelebros' house. Before you knocked on the door, it was pushed out fiercely. It was Sans. You took a step back remembering the scary gaze you felt when you were near Papyrus. Am I not allow to come near Papyrus? 

You swiftly turned away as you were trying to ran away from him. Until you were lifted up to the air did you know that you were doomed. You turned around only to see Sans using his weird magic again. Your memories of the fight you had with him made you shivered. No... stop it... please don't kill me... I finally found a place where I belong, so let me live to the fullest... 

Although you wanted to make Sans know what you feel, you couldn't say it out loud because you could neither speak nor moan because of this fright you were feeling. Luckily, Papyrus saved you in times. You saw him running from inside the kitchen to the front door, tackling Sans down to the ground and trying to get him away from you.  

Papyrus, then, walked to your side and reached out his hand looking at you worryingly. "You okay?" He picked you up trying to help you breathe so that you could feel calmer. You put your hand onto Papyrus's shoulder and stood up only to get push down again by Sans's kick. You sat on the ground staring blankly at Sans. 

As overwhelming as he could, Sans's yellow eyes glowed brightly looking down on you. Yes, looking down... "Don't touch him with your filthy hand." Sans said sarcastically while glaring dagger at you, which made Papyrus became angrier. "SANS! HOW COULD YOU SAID THAT TO HER!" Papyrus snapped and used his magic on Sans to stop him from hurting you anymore. 

At that moment, both you and Sans was shock looking at the yellow flame in Papyrus's eyes. As you recalled, Grillbz said that the first thing that he would say about Papyrus is that he had always been looking at Sans as his most amazing brother and would never do anything that could break their brotherly bond. 


To the reader who was hoping for some lovey dovey time with Sans, I'm sorry for hurting him ._. 

Nah, :))) JK :))) For being such a bitch, this is his most perfect punishment :33 

btw :3 Another 2 consecutive chapters \(^o^)/~~

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