Jess's Story

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(I'm so sorry for the late update. Studying for my anatomy exam took a lot out of me. Good news is I did pretty good! Get your tissues out for this chapter. TW: rape&language)

Eli's POV:
I woke up this morning with a huge craving for donuts. It's not the weekend or anything but as they say, TREAT YO SELF! But I don't want to go alone... I wish I could just call up Andy anytime I wanted, but I have no idea how to even get in contact with him.

I decide to call up the best friend Samuel, but his cell phone goes straight to voicemail. Rude. I think of Jamie, but I remember he's in another country. Jess will probably want to go! I shoot her a quick text.

Eli: Hey wanna grab donuts this morning? I have a few hours before school.

Jess: Sure! Give me 10 minutes and I'll be ready <3

Eli: Cool see you in a bit :)

I throw a white BVB shirt over my head and tan joggers on my legs along with a pair of Nike Free Runs courtesy of Samuel as presents from my birthday. I go downstairs and wash a few breakfast dishes left over from Tammy and Glenn before they rushed to work. Honestly what would they do without me? I take my keys to the garage and drive to Jess's house honking in the driveway.

She runs outside and jumps into my car. She looks mad. "Good morning," I say with a grin.

"Hey, do me a favor, don't honk like a maniac when you're waiting for me okay?" she tells me in a pissed off tone.

"Oh sorry." What's her deal? I was just playing around.

"Anyway, thanks for inviting me," she says going back to her normal self. That was weird. We tell each other how school and work is going the whole ride there. I don't think I can ever get tired of talking to her. I love her voice.

I park my car and head into a half crowded donut shop by the beach. It's a small donut shop with a wall plastered with posters about upcoming singers or poetry readers that will preform on the stage they have to the side.

"How can I help you?" a girl in her mid 20's with blue hair and a tear drop tattoo asks cheerfully. That caught me off guard. For someone with that tattoo you would expect them to be sad.

"Can I get two cappuccinos with a maple bar and an apple fritter?" I tell the eternally crying girl. She makes our coffee and gets our donuts.

"That will be $9.50." Jess starts to pull out her money from her pocket but I stop her.

"Put your money away silly I got this," I tease giving her the coffees. Jess gives me a hug then goes to find us a seat. I hand the girl a $10 and she hands me back two quarters which I put into the tip jar. I take the donuts and find Jess sitting by the window with open sugar packets littered by her.

"Have some coffee with your sugar." I take the sugar packets away from her and take two for my own coffee. I rip my donut and dip it into my coffee. People think it's weird, but honestly it tastes better this way than trying to eat a mouthful of sugar then swallowing the bitter liquid.

"Oh that looks good! Can I have a bite?" I laugh but dip another piece for her. Why do girls always want some of your food before they eat their own? We eat in as some soft music playing on the radio. It sounds good, but even better when Jess hums softly to it.

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