Baseball Team pt 2 (picture of Jamie)

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(Hey this is the fourth part of my story! Hope you enjoy it...TRIGGER WARNING: Bullying, language, and abuse)

Eli's POV
"Let's see it Eli," the pitching coach says from behind the fence in his monotone voice. I'm standing at the pitcher's mound shaking like leaf. I'm so scared of throwing it wrong, because if I do I'm off the team. I would be nothing but a water boy to them.

I take a deep breath and look at the catcher's glove behind the batter who happens to be Trevor at the moment. I position my feet like the pitcher before, wind up my arm, and throw the ball toward the mitt.

The sound of the bat colliding with the ball is like a sonic boom although the sound of laughter from the coaches are just as loud if not louder.

"Hey kid you're supposed to aim for the mitt not the bat!"

I look down at my feet so I don't have to look at Trevor's gloating face. I feel my cheeks get hot and sweat form on my forehead as I try again, but the ball slips from my sweaty hand and lands at Trevor's feet.

"Hey come on kid stop playing around, we ain't got all day!" one of the coaches yell. He turns away to spit out some chewing tobacco then turns back with an impatient scowl.

I'm so fucking stupid! Why don't I just quit now? I mean, how bad could it be serving water to the team?

"Coach un momento por favor, " Jamie call out as he steps off the third base. The pitching coach rolls his eyes and waves his hand to let Jamie run in my direction. He puts an arm around me and lowers his voice so only I can hear. "Hermano, I know you have a lot of pent up anger in you. Use it! Don't you wish you could fight back against your padre? What would you do if you had the opportunity to throw a brick at his face? Imagine it cabrón, remember who gave you that black eye," whispers Jamie. He winks at me, them turns around to run back to his position.

I inhale deeply again then let it out slowly. Jamie is right, I do have pent up anger. I'm angry all the time. I'm angry that I don't have a normal dad, that my mom has to work and he doesn't, that I get beaten up by him and made fun of by the team. What have I ever done to deserve any of this shit other than exist?

I look up and imagine that Trevor isn't there. All I could see is the catcher's glove which turns into my father's face and I start to get mad. THIS IS FOR BEATING ME EVERY TIME YOU'RE DRUNK! I wind up my arm and hurl it straight at the glove.

No one said anything when my pitch was caught by the catcher. They were too shocked that Trevor had swung and missed. Silence hung in the air until the tobacco chewing coach spoke up, "D-do it again," he stutters and tosses me another baseball.

I winded up my arm again and imagined Trevor's face on the glove this time. THIS IS FOR INSULTING ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS! I fire the ball into the catcher's mitt at lighting fast speed and it lands with a thunder like clap.

"OH SHIT!" Samuel cheers along with Jamie. The rest of the team applauds and nod their heads in approval while the coaches huddle together and whisper.

"Congrats Eli, you're a pitcher," the pitching coach says with a smile.

"Thank you Sir, I won't let you down!" I say happily. Finally! I did something right!

Trevor has an angry look on his face when he throws his bat down and moves his baseball cap to cover his eyes  as he storms off the field. "Come on Trev it was a stroke of luck! The coaches don't know what they're talking about!" Preston yells as he hustles after Trevor.

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