Glamour with Samuel

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(Here's a long chapter for you)

Eli's POV:
I can't stop thinking about Andy. I haven't stopped thinking about him ever since we met at the hotel. I feel so stupid for not kissing him at the fair and not getting his phone number. I've just been replaying the videos I took from their concert on my phone forever. I even captured the moment he saw me and smiled. I miss him so much and hope he's thinking of me as much as I think of him because he's on my mind even as I clock out of work for lunch.

Samuel and I decided to meet up on our lunch breaks. He said he was especially hungry and to meet up at The Habit. Since I got there first I order a chicken sandwich and a side salad for me and a pastrami sandwich and fries for Samuel.

Our food comes out just as Samuel walks through the door. I feel so stupid in my dorky blue polo shirt and tan pants compared to his business attire, but I guess that's why he's the model and not me. He slides into the booth and starts talking about the event that's happening tomorrow.

He wants me to go with him to this televised red carpet party in Chicago where models show up to try and get sponsors. The venue needed someone to play since the piano guy got sick and Samuel told them all about me.

"You can bring your guitar and just play in the background! It's just like playing at the Farmer's market only there's cameras and people are looking to buy people instead of vegetables," he tries to convince me.

"No Samuel I'm not even that good." I firmly say taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"Please? I really need you there. Plus you're my best friend and I want you to share the spotlight," he says pouting. His eyes look like a puppy's as he raises his eyebrows trying to make me feel sorry for him.

Ugh, what those eyes do to me. Why does he have to be so cute?

Eventually I give in. "Fine but only because you pulled the best friend card on me." He grins happily showing all his perfect teeth.

"I knew I could count on you Marvel! I'll call them tonight and let them know they have a guitar man," he says jumping up and rubbing his knuckles into my hair.

Andy's POV:
"But why do I have to go? I don't have any designer clothes," I whine as we walk down Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.

"Well that's why we're here dummy we need to look sharp for tomorrow," Joe informs me.

"Plus we don't want to embarrass Petey by showing up in tunics like the 2008 VMA's," Patrick says smirking at Pete.

We're one of the many guest appearances at an event in Chicago tomorrow. I forget whether Pete is trying to break into the modeling industry or if he's trying to find people for a new clothing line he's working on. Either way, I really don't wanna go.

"Hey that was a really good idea! Plus that monkey and I were friends," Pete protests.

"Can we at least stop for smoothies?" I ask.

"How about yogurt at Pinkberry?" Joe suggests.

"That's dairy though," I say frowning.

"But they have honeycomb," he insists.

"It's still a byproduct of animals, bees," I inform him.

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