The Perfect Son (picture of Trevor)

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(Trigger warning: offensive language and drug use)

Trevor's POV:
FUCK SAMUEL! I mentally scream as I drive home. I'm going at least 90mph on the freeway in my white Lamborghini. I could care less if I get pulled over, I could get out of a ticket. Everyone knows that my family owns the country club and several wineries. I can pay off a piddly speeding ticket. Not to mention the fact that Preston's father is the police chief.

I stop at the huge black gate of my family's home and it opens immediately. Our security guards know what my car looks like and what I expect out of them. As soon as I park in front of the Mansion, I storm out of my car and a valet boy jumps inside of the car to move it into the parking garage. Butlers open the front door for me and a maid takes a small bow before speaking to me.

"Good evening Master Banks, would you like me to run a bath for you or prepare your dinner? Perhaps you would like to start your studies," she suggests sweetly.

"Bring my usual tray to my room, Preston will be coming over soon," I command. As soon as the words are out of my mouth she scurries off to meet my demand. I walk into the grand living room where I find Mother drinking wine while getting a pedicure from a maid and Father on the phone with one of his business partners.

"Trevor darling, what is the matter sweetheart? Scowling will leave lines in your face," Mother says looking up at me. I got my blue eyes and blonde hair from her, but my worry lines and facial expressions come from my father.

"Nothing Mother, I'm just annoyed that Preston isn't here yet. I told him 6:30 and it is almost 6:40," I respond looking down at my silver Armani watch.

"I swear you two spend more time together than your sister Judy does with her boyfriend," joins in Father. He's always busy making deals with other companies and getting more clients. Not like we need it, but it's the kill he loves in buying a smaller company to turn it into more land to grow grapes or another Banks Golf Course and Resort.

"What about Samuel sweetheart? You three used to be such close friends," Mother questions as she swirls the wine in her glass.

"We have our differences," I say coldly. I was going to say more, but a butler walks into the room and bows. "Young Master Banks, Master Garfield has arrived," he announces as Preston walks into room.

"Good evening Mr.Banks you're looking well, your shoulders look stronger have you been practicing your back swing?" Preston greets politely shaking Father's hand firmly. I could tell Father looks pleased. "Elaine you look gorgeous, not a day over 25" he says acknowledging Mother. He takes her hand and kisses it. She blushes and offers him a glass of wine. Preston really does know how to charm my parents. They smile and ask him how his father is doing and about the baseball team until I ask if we can go to my room.

"Yes dear you two may be excused, but if Preston decides to sleep over again have the servants bring him the new silk covers he simply must feel them," Mother calls out as we leave to my room.

We climb the staircase to the third floor which is my personal floor. My sister has the second and my parents have the fourth. The fifth leads to the tower and library. I only go in there to have serious talks with my father about owning the family business one day as we look over our resort and the mountains.

I open the double doors to my villa style suite and lie on my king size bed. Preston takes a seat on the black leather sofa and rings the bell that was on the table. The maid comes in and puts down a bottle of vodka and a tray containing $100 in twenties and razor blades then leaves and closes the door to the room. Preston digs into his pocket and pulls out a clear bag containing a white powdered substance.

"Man you have no idea how much I need this today," I say picking up a razor blade.

"No worries man, I got this," Preston smiles taking the razor blade from me. He dumps the substance onto the tray and starts cutting it into straight lines.

"Samuel should be here with us instead of those losers the three of us were unstoppable back then," I say pouring myself a drink.

"Fuck him he made his choice," Preston responds as he concentrates on the white lines.

How could Samuel just abandon me? He and I were like brothers back then. We were even in the same boy scout troop and played baseball for the city. Then in high school we met Preston who was only 2 years older than us. That's when we started going to parties, sleeping with cheerleaders, and experimenting with drugs. Weed, shrooms, vicodin, benzedrine, you name it. But Sam had to be the moral compass and stopped all contact with us senior year. He went to rehab for his addiction to blow, but he's fragile. His parents make sure he never gets "too sad" because he can start using again at anytime.

"Dude come on you're up," Preston says nudging me out of my day dream. I clear my nose and roll up a bill, here comes the good times.

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