Bar Scene

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(This chapter is dedicated to Assassin-Wolf for being the first one to vote on my story. You make me feel famous, and honestly a huge thank you for reading <3. This is the chapter where FOB's and Eli's POV will be in the same chapter!) (TW: Sexual harassment and language)

"We get to sleep in a hotel for a few nights instead of the bus!" Patrick says excitedly. He opens the bus curtains to see the city they'll be staying in tonight. "It's a nice looking tourist spot, plus Yelp said this place has a bunch of cool places like themed bars and hipster coffee shops."

"You had me at coffee," Pete puts his Starbucks cup down and joins Patrick by the window. "Let's have some fun tonight let's go downtown to a fun bar!"

"Oh can we? I haven't gotten my drink on in forever," Joe chimes in coming from the bunks. He closes the door behind him and sits beside Andy at the table. "Are you gonna come or are you good here?"

"I'll go to keep you guys out of trouble," Andy says getting up to put on a black shirt. He didn't like being the baby sitter for the guys, but it was pretty funny telling them all the dumb stuff they did the night before when they don't remember in the morning. Anyway, it's his job to take care of his "children" as the fan fic writers call them.

When the bus stops in front of a fancy hotel with a nice wide field for golfing. "We should get a golf cart tomorrow and drift around this place" Pete mentions as the guys walk into the country club. It looks clean and pristine, probably like the people who come here.

"Welcome Fall Down Boys!" A tall, wealthy looking man with gray hair with specks of black comes and shakes their hands. "I'm Kevin Banks the owner and founder of Banks Resort and Golf Course." Why can't anyone who Google searches them 5 minutes before ever get their name right?

"Hi," the band says in sync. The hotel staff take their bags up to their rooms while Kevin shows them around the hotel bragging about every detail of the place. Despite how eagerly the boys wanted to leave, they politely nodded their heads and showed fake enthusiasm for the architecture and detail of the hotel.

The most uncomfortable part of the tour is Kevin's office which had pictures of himself with celebrities and artists. Some of them looked real, while some of them looked photoshopped... It was supposed to be humorous, but it was just a really sad attempt to look relavent. "How about you boys join the wall of famers and get your picture up here?" Kevin says taking a camera out of his desk and handing it to a butler.

"Man does this guy have servants to wipe for him too?," Pete whispers. Patrick shoots him a dirty look which makes Pete shut up. They bunch up with their host and pose for a picture. "Its been really cool meeting you and learning about the history of the hotel, but we're going to check out downtown before we get back on the road," Patrick politely tells Kevin.

"Can't keep you here all night then can I?" Kevin says stepping away from the door. They breathe a sigh of relief, but he steps back blocking their escape. "You fellas are going to the bars right?"

They nod their heads and try to get around him, but he extends an arm in front of the doorway "Then you should tell them you're staying at the luxurious Banks Resort and about the newest wines Banks Winery has to offer." He puts his other arm around Andy and pats his shoulder "What about you tattoo man, you look like you know your liquor, how about a quick glass of red wine?"

"No thanks, I don't drink," Andy tells him firmly sliding out of his hold. He moves past their host while the rest of the guys follow suit.

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