Girls and Groceries

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(Sorry for the lag, here's a long chapter! Vote and share the story if you enjoy it. TRIGGER WARNING: Language)

Eli's POV
*Two days later*
I park in front of the grocery store's neon yellow blinking sign that reads Food 4 Less. God I hate this place. I fix my hair with my fingers which is down and in my eyes instead of up with gel  like usual. I play with the black My Chemical Romance rubber bracelet on my wrist as I mentally prepare myself for work. The dark circles under my eyes make it look like I'm wearing eyeliner. I love how it looks though, I remind myself of 2005 Pete Wentz.

I slept in my car at the beach my first night on my own and let Twenty One Pilot's music lull me to sleep along with the sound of the ocean's waves crashing against the shore. Then I spent the day making plans for myself. I have $800 in my savings and $400 in my checking. Plus my credit card which has a $500 limit on it. So I have enough for food, gas, clothes, and car maintenance if I need it. I can't quite move into an apartment yet since rent is $1,000 for one room, but with time I'm sure I can afford it. Until then, I'm going to shower and do laundry at the college while living in my car.

Samuel and Jamie begged me to come live with one of them, but that's just too embarrassing.

Jamie and his dad live in a tiny house close to farming fields and they couldn't possibly afford to have another body in their home. His father works in the fields every day to send money every month to Jamie's mother in order to feed his children and pay for their schooling. Jamie helps him out by working in the fields on his days off from school or from his job as a golf caddy and restaurant server at Banks Resort. They hope one day that their family could be together in California, but it could take more than 12 years to get their papers.

I can't live with Samuel because his parents have the perfect marriage and a beautiful two story house. I would feel like I'm invading their lives like a stray dog they're forced to take care of because their son befriends me. I can't help but feel envious, I wish I had a kind father that took pride in me and a strong mother that was happy all the time.

I just want to feel like a man that has his life together. No handouts. No pity. Just me and hard work. Life is what you make it isn't it? I sigh to myself and step out of my car/home to walk into my shitty job. I hate it here. It's not exactly on the safe side of town and there are rude customers and unfair supervisors. I mostly work the nightshift, so there usually isn't anybody here but me, a supervisor, and the night crew. The only guy who actually notices me is the janitor when he comes in, but he doesn't even speak English. He just smiles and waves whenever I come in. It's nice to know at least ONE person at work likes me.

As I'm clocking into work my supervisor calls to me "Hey Eli we're actually slow right now, so if you can go fill the juice and eggs that would be dandy," he says smiling. I nod my head and make my way to the cooler for the items. I'm a cashier dammit, why do I have to lift heavy things and be cold? Inside the freezer, I lift boxes of eggs and crates of juice onto a cart and push it towards the display cases.

I sigh as I start to fill the case. This is gonna take a while, there was a sale. I fucking hate $5 Fridays. On my second trip to the cooler and back, there are two girls stumbling through the aisle towards me. One of them is a pretty long haired brunette with brown eyes wearing a little black dress and black flats. The other one is a taller blonde girl with smeared lipstick wearing a white crop top and a tiny black skirt with huge black heels. The brunette seems to be taking care of blondie as they come closer to me. The blonde gags near me and I turn to look at her then sniff my shirt. I didn't shower for one day and I already stink?

"Sorry, it's not you we just need some Oj, she needs to drink something before she throws up again," the brunette explains with an embarrassed smile reaching into the case for a bottle of juice. The blonde starts laughing loudly into the shoulder of her friend "you're totally flirting with him! Sorry my friend is such a whore," blondie slurs.

The brunette's face turns pink as she hides her face away from me. "I have experience with drunk people I totally understand," I say reassuringly giving the brunette a small smile. Blondie takes her arms off her friend and latches onto me instead. I hold her up to stop her from falling over in her heels. She's heavier than I thought. I stumble backwards, but luckily I back into a freezer door. "Hey you're really cute Emo boy," Blondie says running her fingers through my hair roughly. Before I can react her lips are on mine. My eyes are wide with surprise. I haven't kissed a girl since high school, but instead of cherry chapstick she tastes like beer and throw up.

"OH MY GOD TERRA, JACOB IS GOING TO KILL YOU!" The brunette says tearing her friend out of my arms. Terra giggles loudly "but he's so handsome Jess, how could I resist?" she asks in a high pitched voice that only a drunk girl can make.

"I'm so sorry about her, she wanted to test her limit tonight" Jess tells me before taking her friend back through the aisle towards the cash registers. I sigh softly to myself and touch my lips. What the actual fuck? Why did I like that brunette so much? I come back to reality when I hear my supervisor over the intercom "Eli check please."

I fast walk to the registers which has already has long lines forming out of the only two that are open. I step into a third check stand and switch on my light which results in customers rushing towards me. At least I'm really fast at my job or this would really fucking suck. After twenty minutes of  asking people how their night is going and scanning a shit load of groceries I'm finally on the last few customers. It's Jess and Terra with the boyfriend, Jacob I presume. He's tall and muscular with one of those fuck boy haircuts that is split to the side. I smile shyly at Jess and she looks down blushing. "Could I see your id please?" I ask while scanning his six pack of beer and their orange juice. He pulls it out of his wallet and I punch the date into the computer. When I'm done he swipes his card and I hand him his receipt. "Have a good night," I say to him before switching off my register light and walking away.

"Hey wait, there's a problem with my beer," he says taking a can out of the pack. I turn around to go back to the register when he suddenly hurls the beer can at me. It collides with my nose and I fall on my back.

The next few minutes are just a spinning blur to me. Jess and Terra screaming. Jacob daring me to "try and kiss his girl again." Night crew guys telling Jacob to leave. Somebody picking up my body and carrying it to the backroom. Then gently placing me onto the ground.

When things finally stop spinning, I look to see the janitor turning me onto my side so the blood coming from my nose could drip down the side of my face instead of into my mouth. I'm shaking uncontrollably from how cold the ground is and the amount of blood coming from my nose. My supervisor comes into the back and tells me he's calling an ambulance and my parents.

I sit up immediately even though the pressure in my face almost makes me pass out. "N-no please if you do sh-she'll bring him!" I yell out weakly. "What are you talking about?" he questions just before I feel everything fade away. No no no no please God not him.

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