°°°Chapter 8°°°

Start from the beginning

"Looks like your planning something," he said with a sly smirk.

I was about to tell him but class started and we were put in groups of two's to do an experiment. Let's just say that putting smurf and I together wasn't such a good idea.

We ended up making a smoke bomb and it blasted through the ceiling, because smurf ended up putting too much of the liquid substance, on purpose I might add.

The class had to evacuate the lab immediately. Smurf and I laughed together. We ditched the class and hung out till lunch break. So much for not breaking class and being a good student. I learnt a few things about smurf.

He wanted to be a chemists, but best part is he can make chemical bombs. That was so cool, but so dangerous. He's also friends with Kristen. And you won't believe that he's gay... I didn't believe at first, but then remembered that he didn't hit on me like every other male did.

When lunch came around we both went to the cafeteria, I bought a pizza and coke, smurf bought a burger, muffin and a sprite. We saw Kriston at a table and went by her.

I never interact with people other than my family and Max.
It was nice to finally get along with other people, and to have friends my age...

"Hey red," I said as soon as I reached the table.

"Hey Kaitlyn!" She said cheerfully.

"Hey! I'm here too, can't I get a Hi!" Smurf exclaimed and we both laughed.

"Hi Danny," she rolled her eyes.

"I've seen you've met Danny, that's a nice surprise," she said.

"Yes, we had fun in chemistry, did you hear about the smoke bomb?" Smurf asked excitingly.

"Yup! And I had a feeling it had something to do with the both of you," she said. 

I laughed, "Of course, but I didn't know it was gonna explode until smurf said to run, it was hilarious!" I exclaimed.

"Smurf?" Kristen asked.

"Yes smurf because he has blue hair and looks like one, a sexy one," I said while sending a wink at him and we all laughed.

Suddenly a girl with blonde hair came to our table. She was wearing the full uniform, but made it looked nice on her, if that's even possible. She held a tray in one hand and a book in the next. She took a seat next to Kriston.

She looked at me, more like stared at me.

"Staring is rude," I said with a smile.

She blushed and her cheeks turned a shade of pink.
"Sorry, Hi....  I'm Rebecca..." She said shyly.

"Becca this is Kaitlyn, she's new here," Smurf said cheerfully.

"Oh, well, welcome," she said.

"Don't, be shy around me, I don't bite," I said to her. She blushed and hid her face in her book and we laughed.

She turned to Kristen and said, "Can you believe that Carson came to calculus class ten minutes late today!" She exclaimed like it was such a big deal.

"What? That's a surprise, nerd boy is always early," Kristen said.

"Damn, that cutie probably was busy, if you know what I mean," Smurf said with a wink.

"Who's Carson?" I asked.

"That's Becca's unrequited lover," they both laughed while she denied it.

Smurf then pointed across the hall to the boy who ran into me. Twice. "That cutie over there in the glasses," he said with a smirk. 

"Him?!" I exclaimed. "That's the boy that ran in to me. Twice! He was so nervous and stuff it was so adorable."

"Wow! I never thought someone else would say that except for these two," Kristen said while pointing between Becca and smurf.

"How did you to ran into each other?" Becca asked curiously.

I then told them all that happened, except for the book I found....


Word Count: 1307😊😊💕
Words are increasing and getting more awesome as the chapters are coming👌👌💋
Characters are also getting quite sex😈😈😈🔥🔥🔥

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