Chapter 8: Ghostly Encounter

Start from the beginning

His Scottish accent was surprisingly subtle, not as strong as Lorelai's.

"Well, I suppose you don't look scary." I shrugged.

"But still, I'm a monster." he retreated a couple of steps. "At least those people think I am. They hate me, exile me, and you would do the same if you are smart enough."

"I am not 'other people', Cornelius."

He paused and squinted his eyes at me. "W-who told you to mention that name, lass?"

"That's your name, isn't it?" I craned my neck, wearing my resilience in my sleeves.

"It is none of your business."

"Alright, I really don't have time for this. You don't belong here in this world, okay?" I replied. "I understand your frustration. You want to get out of here. Look, if you could just help me out here and tell me what your unfinished business is, it will make everything much easier. You can move on. I'll leave you alone. You can continue rolling in your grave or wherever you may be."

"What on earth are you talking about?" He hissed.

I sighed. This was not going to be easy. A few days ago, I thought paranormal and pseudoscience were a pure myth, and today, I'm arguing with a deceased person. How the tables have turned. "Listen, dead people like you are still around for a reason. There is something keeping you here. The sooner you tell me what keeps you here, the sooner you'll go."

"I do not seek any help."

"Still, you're going to need me if you want to get out of here."

"Did you not hear, lass?" he raised his voice, his tone full of disdain. "I don't need you. This is my place. It has been my sanctuary for years and it's none of your business whether I want to stay or leave. So, take your peculiar peripherals you've installed in this room and leave me alone."

I found my voice again. "Right, so you just want to stay this way for another century?"

Apparently, he was more difficult to deal with than I expected. Clearly, his intimidating nature struck more as a defense mechanism. However, it seemed as if something just struck him that he threw his gaze around and stared in awe at some unfamiliar objects, furniture, and devices at some corners of the room, before his eyes landed on my iPhone lying on the bedside of the table.

"Another century?" he asked, still in a taunting manner. "W-What year is it now?" he asked.

"You wouldn't care anyway."

Cornelius lifted his chin and gazed down at me in an intimidating fashion. Ugh, where were his manners? My research deduced that he came from a noble family. He must have been a gentleman back in his day. His existence as a ghost for the last century might have shaped his personality this way.

I sighed and reluctantly gestured at the calendar at my desk that displayed a large number of 2010. He froze for a moment in denial before his eyes proceeded to scan the room, detecting things unfamiliar to his era.

"Impossible." he murmured, seemingly taken aback by the revelation. "That must have explained that whimsical monolithic object of yours."

I almost gagged when he picked such a word for iPhone, which he swiped right off the desk. But instead of protesting, I let him. His hands carefully flipped the thin device from one side to another. "What is this and why do your fingers move around on it so much?"

"I'll explain it if you can tell me why you are here," I cleared my throat. "Or at least you could think it over first."

"Are you always this stubbo–"


His lips formed a tight line. I cornered him.

"Fine. Very well. That is..." He handed the phone back to me "...something I have to highly consider."

"Good. You finally understand."

"That was not an agreement." he paused to scan me from my head to toe. "And for God's sake, do wear something more decent."

Then the young man just vanished into thin air, leaving me struck especially with his last comment. I stared at my pyjamas. Who did he think he was? A member of the royalty? I just wasted minutes talking to this stubborn ghost who refused my help. He may look attractive and handsome but his personality was a complete turn-off.

The last thing I ever wanted to do was to deal with him again.

* * *

When midnight fell, a sudden thirst kicked me. I forgot to bring in a glass of water to my bedroom as I would usually do, and a trip to the kitchen would take forever considering the size of the manor. But what could possibly go wrong, right? I only had to watch my step.

My feet led me outside of my bedroom, out into the darkness. I trailed down the moonlit corridor and into the stairs, where the only moonlight didn't fall. I had to count on my senses to navigate my surroundings. My hands found the staircase railing. I slowly climbed down the stairs blindly in the dark, step by step. However, when my sole didn't find the bottom of the staircase surface, panic engulfed me. I lost grip of the railing until...

...a pair of strong invisible hands caught me.

The history repeated itself. I turned around to find his least-expected figure. His features were visible under the moonlight through the window.

I fell into his arms then he helped me get back to my feet. Neither of us said anything but before long, he vanished. I sat on the steps and controlled my breath.

A glass of water appeared before me, clutched in his grip. Without bending down, he handed the glass to me.

"How do you know I was thirsty?" I asked after gulping the water down my throat.

"Why else would you go out in the dark?" he turned, probably prepared to leave again.

"Wait." I stopped him. "There has to be a way we can figure this out."

"What do you want?"

"Let me help you..."

"Was I not being clear earlier?" he turned his back to me. "I don't need your help."

"Okay, then why did you help me then?" He clearly wanted something.

He paused. "This house is mine. I can't let another ghost occupy it."

I rolled my eyes. He either meant to save me or he said it out of his own selfishness. But I second the latter. I wonder if his parents ever taught him manners as gentlemen should have been back in the turn of the century, or if he was a spoiled chap.

I cleared my throat. "Okay, now that we seem to be stuck with each other, we can't keep doing this. So, why don't we make peace and be–I don't know, friends?"

What the hell were you saying, Lis? My mind was definitely not in the right place.

"Friends?" he spat. "Is it one of your traps?"

"Traps? What do you mean?" What exactly was his problem?

"You know what I meant. You, humans, are all the same." He replied bitterly. "Go, lass, I've had enough dealing with you."

"Listen, I'm trying to be nice..."

"Enough!" He growled. "I don't need any acquaintance. You might as well thank me for saving you by leaving me alone."

I groaned. This was going nowhere. "Fine, just get a life or something."

Cornelius looked bewildered at my last words but I cared not. He muttered a few curses, before he quickly vanished in my sight, much to my relief.

I really wished he never appeared anymore.

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