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a/n: sOrry it's been fucking forever

one month later

dan sat down in front of nate's grave.
he put his hand on the smooth stone, tracing the letters with his fingers.
nate, he thought, i'm sorry i haven't visited in a while.
it's just been really busy, you see, with the honeymoon and everything.
but i'm here now, yeah?
the honeymoon was great by the way.
japan was so cool—it has anime shops everywhere and the weirdest flavours of ice cream.
phil got a black one and, oh god, if you'd seen what it did to his mouth...
i've been smiling a lot lately.
it's nice, really, though gabriel teases me for it sometimes.
tattooing's alright but the best part of the day is when i can go home to phil.
home to the warmth and security of my husband.
i thought it'd be weird to say "husband" but it's not.
phil was walking towards him, taking long strides in the tall grass.
he was carrying a bouquet of flowers in his arms.
he handed them to dan and dan settled them down gently in front of the grave.
"thanks," he said.
phil simply sat next to dan and took his hand.
and they sat together.
and they stayed together.

oh ms believer // phan Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz