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it wasn't after the first nightmare when it happened.
but rather the third.
and, at first, dan didn't sense anything wrong.
it took until about midday for something to start.
something bad.
he was in the kitchen putting clean plates on the drying rack.
his mind wondered.
wondered to the previous nightmare.
and it was then, that it happened.
dan saw his dad.
standing only a few feet in front of him.
only for a second.
then he was gone.
dan stared at the empty space his dad had been. 
it took a number of seconds for the panic to set in.
like his brain needed time to realise what had just happened.

dan cried out and jumped back.

his elbow connected with the drying rack and sent it crashing to the floor.
plates and glasses exploded into shards.
"crap" he muttered and dropped to his knees to gather up the pieces.
he had picked up a fistful of jagged pieces when he saw something red on the floor.
he watched the red liquid drip; his fogged mind fascinated.
it took him several moments too long to realise the liquid was blood.
and that his hand had been sliced open by the sharp edges of the glass he had picked up.
it took several more moments for the pain to set in.
"dan!" phil rushed over and held dan's bleeding hand in his.
phil was saying stuff but his brain didn't seem to be working.
"...i'll go get some bandages....are you meant to put cream on cuts....what happened; i heard a crash....don't worry about the shards i'll pick them up later..."
dan looked down at he blood, and thought dazedly how bright it was.
then he realised that probably wasn't what he was meant to be thinking.
damn, what is happening to me.

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