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dan had been in this hospital three times now in the past six years.
the first had been his failed suicide attempt.
phil had saved him then.
the second had been when nate was shot.
just after phil saved him from his dad.
phil had always been there to save him.
phil is sick of you.
he sat back in the hospital bed, watching phil talk to the nurse.
phil, do you hate me?


"he'll be fine," the nurse was saying, "but he needs to stay overnight."
phil breathed out in relief.
the memory of tears stained his cheeks. "but what caused it?"
"you said he drank something just before?" she asked.
phil nodded.
"it's most likely that his drink was spiked," she paused, "you can see him now."
dan didn't look up as phil pushed open the doors and walked towards him.
he sat down beside the bed.
"phil," dan said quietly, "are you sick of me?"
phil flinched. "no, never. i love you, dan."
"but why?"
"what?" phil edged closer.
"why do you love me?" dan said, something like misery in his voice.
phil smiled and leaned into dan.
"because," he said, "you are kind"
he kissed dan's forehead.
"you are smart"
he kissed dan's left cheek.
"you are funny"
he kissed dan's right cheek.
"you are beautiful."
he kissed dan's lips; slow and gentle.
phil held dan close to him and cradled him carefully in his arms.
he stroked dan's hair and whispered:

"i thank the universe everyday for you; dan, i'm always going to be here."

dan touched phil's cheek and smiled.

he said, "forever."

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