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alex stood before dan; his cold, cold eyes cutting through him.
they stood in a room that wasn't a room at all.
just a place.
everything was white, which made alex's red hands stand out more.
at first, dan thought he was wearing red gloves but it became obvious to him that it was blood.
with the blink of an eye, alex's whole body was covered in it.
it poured from his eyes like bloody tears, matted his hair, turned his teeth red as he gave a manic grin.
dan watched, trembling as he laughed and laughed, blood dripping from his ears and his nostrils, creating puddles on the white floor.
then alex's face flickered like a dying lightbulb.
it flickered until he was no longer alex at all, but dan's dad.
his breath caught in his throat.
in the mans hand he swung a baseball bat, stepping closer with each swing, until he was right upon dan, raising the bat high above his head.
as he swung the bat down, it flickered into a gun and fired with a noise that cracked through the air.
but it wasn't dan who was shot.
nate fell to his knees.
blood exploded from his body and dan yelled out and tried to run towards him but his feet were stuck to the ground.
he looked down at his legs then back at nate.
but the body was no longer nate's.
phil lay dead on the ground, his blood the only colour that stood out against the white.

dan s c r e a m e d


dan lurched up in bed choking and retching and gasping for air.
he clawed at his throat; he needed air air air air air air air air air air air.
just breathe, he told himself.
just breathe just breathe juts breathe juts btheea tjus ebreaht
and it was lkei his braineee had trnd to muhs + he cud'tn breAThe cuolnd't breaaathe hËŁp wyh c'nat eh breathe why ywh hyw hlp plse hepl


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