[Chapter XXXI] Companions

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Hakyeon took this as an opportunity to go see how his own father was doing. He hasn't seen his old man for years and although his father was still recovering, Hakyeon wanted to see him. Even for a bit.

* * * * * *

Hakyeon gently opened the bedroom door to see his father while he was resting. As he sat by his father's bed and watched him sleep, he saw how tired and how much older his father has become. Hongbin's father said that his father was slowly recovering but because of his wife passing away, the rehabilitation was slow. But it was working. When Hakyeon's mother first left them, his father only knew how to cry and drink. He never once had a proper meal nor sleep. Now, his father was peacefully resting before him.

"I'm sorry for not being able to be here for you dad," Hakyeon whispered.

Hakyeon fixed his father's bed sheets making sure his father stayed warm and quietly left the room. He was at least able to see his father's face before leaving.

Hakyeon went back to his own room to pack some of his own clothes for the journey. He didn't really know what to put in his luggage though. A few pairs of pants and shirt should do the job. Honestly, he didn't have many hopes for his stay in the Underworld. Who knows whether or not he would even survive a single day there? From the stories that Jaehwan told him, the Underworld was a dark place. Eerie from the cries and sorrows of the dead as well as the Gods that were turned away from the Heavens.

Jaehwan also told him about Taekwoon's father, who was the previous Ruler of the Underworld. Jaehwan's father and Taekwoon's father were brothers back when the two were in the Heavens. Which made Jaehwan and Taekwoon 'cousins', even though Taekwoon still had no idea of Jaehwan's true identity. That's why Jaehwan has always looked after Taekwoon since they first met in Pinewoods.

As Hakyeon was finishing up with his packing, he saw a small journal that was placed on his dresser. It didn't look like it belonged to him, nor did he remember ever placing such a thing before he left home. He went to inspect what it was and at the bottom of the journal, a letter stood out to him.

Dear Hakyeon, my one, and only son.

It was his mother's handwriting. A letter for Hakyeon.

Hakyeon was surprised to see a letter from his mother. It was never there when she passed away nor before he left the town to go to the Capital. He took the letter and opened it.

My child, Hakyeonie. How are you doing? Are you eating well? Sleeping well? By the time you have come across this letter, I am most likely no longer in this world. Day by day, my body has only become weaker and I know that my time is finally due. I have no regrets though. Meeting your father and giving birth to such a wonderful son like you, I could not ask for more.

I've always wanted to tell you how much you mean the world to me. I was born in a place of darkness, where light never shined through but the both of you gave me hope. Your existence was my light.

I am not human.

I was once a God who lived in a world called Hell or Underworld and watched over an heirloom called the 'Moon.' It was my job to keep it safe from the possessions of the evils but when I met your father, I left my own duties to find my own happiness. And I really did. I was happy. But I'm more worried about you, my son. Are you happy?

I know you broke up with Taekwoon but did you really want to break up with him? Although I was against the two of you, in the beginning, I could see how much he means to you. Do you really not regret letting him go? He's not from the same world as you but I know how much he means to you. You were always a bright and cheerful child but there are times when I feel like you weren't as happy as you appeared to be. You never tell me how you feel or think except tell us that you're alright. But when Taekwoon came to Pinewoods, it was the first time when I saw you as truly happy. I want you to always be as happy as you were when Taekwoon was here.

Please. Find your happiness. I don't want you to have any regrets. That child, Taekwoon, have sacrificed so much for you as well. He is a God just like myself and he was getting just as sick as I am for staying here in the human world. Because he loves you. Even when I told him that he should leave, he refused. He wanted to be with you. And I can see how much you want to be with him as well.

As I am writing this letter, I am also prepared to tell you everything about the truth about your identity. I am a Goddess and your father is a mortal. Which makes you half of a God as well. You may probably wonder why none of your powers ever awakened but there is a reason for that. I have sealed your powers when you were born with the last ounce of my abilities. In order to awaken those powers, you must go to the Underworld.

There is something called the 'Moon' there. I use to guard the Moon as my own duty as a God. But since I left the Underworld, I kept the Moon hidden somewhere safe. There are two different Moons, however. Two halves of the Moon that only we, as guardians, know of. One half was possessed by the Ruler of the Underworld and the other, by its guardians. The two halves of the Moon was divided in order to make sure that the Rulers of the Underworld would never become too powerful to overthrow the Heavens. If the two halves become whole, its wielder would become too powerful. That's why it has remained a secret for many millennia. Please find the other half and awaken your abilities and find Taekwoon.

Find your happiness.

Hakyeon stared at the letter from his mother and read it over and over. Reread it so many times over his tears. He never cried once during his mother's funeral and his tears were dried up even for the past few years living in the Capital. But now, his tears would not stop. His mother was always so attentive about him despite how hard he tried to cover up how he truly felt. His mother knew everything about her son and Hakyeon couldn't help but feel the regrets of not being as filial as he could be when she was alive.

He also recalled the time when Taekwoon left the town once because the other said he had something urgent to attend to. Taekwoon didn't leave because he wanted to, but because he was getting sick. Hakyeon was always worried about Taekwoon's healthy during that time but because he didn't know how to help him, he was only able to care for Taekwoon as much as he could. Taekwoon tried to stay in the human world because Hakyeon asked him to yet Hakyeon only knew how to turn him away and break his heart.

Hakyeon felt the remorse for breaking his love's heart. He was Taekwoon's happiness and Taekwoon was him but he was too ignorant to see it. With his mother's letter, he made a promise to himself.

A promise to not have any more regrets. He was resolved to make things correct again. To find his happiness and go to the Underworld to retrieve Taekwoon.

Taekwoon came to the human world and sacrificed so much for Hakyeon, so Hakyeon was ready to do the same.

Along with Jaehwan and Hongbin, Hakyeon was ready to leave the human world and venture into the dark and evil world of the Gods. The Underworld.

(LeoN/NEO) The World of UsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant