The Rejection Of A Mate

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Hello fellow wattpadders, this is my story. Read it if you’d like and if you don’t, Doooooon’t care:) read on my lovelies.

Picture is of the Alpha Hottie.

 Dedicated to my writing guru, the chick I look up too:)

The rejection of a mate.

Chapter 1: The guardian

“The hardest thing to do is to watch the one you love, love someone else.”

                                                                                                -Source Unknown

You know that feeling, the one where you stare at something for like five minutes straight but really you’re about ten million miles away just thinking about nothing, or even something so important you can’t stop thinking about it. The odd thing about that is you feel like your boneless, paralyzed, nothing else is registered.  Well until your idiot brother shoves you with his head and mentally screams “earth to Evangeline” using the pack mind link.

“Fish-sticks Evan, what the hell, I’m right next you, I fail to comprehend your need to scream.” I said roughly through the mind link while shoving my furry head into his side. “Stupid, dumb brother, giving me a headache, who does he think he is. One day I’m going to push him off a cliff, but with his werewolf reflexes he’ll catch onto the ledge, that’s when I’ll laugh and step on his fingers, so he’ll fall.” I nodded to myself, devising the plan.

“What is wrong with you!?” My brother shrieked, like a girl might I add, and adorning his face was a horrified expression, as I smiled a little too fondly at the idea of pushing him off a cliff.  He cleared his throat, then in a purposefully deeper voice “Your freaking insane, why would you want to kill this piece of perfection, you would be depriving women everywhere.”

He said with a wolfish smirk. I know what you’re thinking wolfish smirk? How the hell does a wolf smirk. Easy, they don’t, but werewolves do. I shook my head at my brother, failing to block the images of himself he’s conjured, he brought them at the forefront of my mind him shirtless, him telling himself how good-looking he is to the mirror. I once again shook my head leaving my brother to day dream about himself.

Evan stopped thinking about himself for a fraction of a second and probably noticed my white wolf missing, so he took off not wanting to be left behind in the forest, so I sped up. “Leave me alone you booger” I screamed to the similar silver wolf behind me.

“Dad said to keep an eye on you, there’s been rogue sightings along the forest” I stopped running immediately. My blood ran cold. I paid little attention to Evan crashing into me from behind.

Rogues, in the werewolf world rogues are those who have either lost their mates and are abandoned into the evil frenzy known as their minds. Or those who’ve been cut-off from the wonderful world of werewolves. The rogues who’ve lost their mates are the ones that are the scariest. They kill because they’re jealous of all those who do have mates, or because they’ve surrendered to the primal calling of their wolves thirsting for blood and nothing else. So they band together and kill.

The ones who’ve been abandoned or cut-off have nowhere to go and no one to be loved by, so they also band together with the rogues, and kill. I hate them, the rogues. They are the reason my brother and I are mother-less, and my poor, poor father mate-less. My mother was killed. I’m going to spare you the details, but I will one day avenge her. It’s what I’ve been training for. My father and brother as well. A pang went through my chest as I thought about the man who’s been living mate-less for 6 years.

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