The Hottie Rogue

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This is for TiaVanity she's a fantastic writer check out her story "THOSE THREE WORDS" Its fantastic

Thanks so much for all the fanning and all the support you guys are amazing. 10 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter?

"If you love something let it go"

                                                     Source-My mom reffering to my blanky!:C I mish you snuggles!


Recap: The boys stopped their wrestling Evan was a Beta so he was losing. Evan had an annoyed look on his face and Dustin looked smug. At that moment I heard a rustle about ½ a mile off west. I froze they didn’t notice but I’ve been trained for this stuff. I waited a second already crouching in front of Scar.

The Scent was unmistakable, it was a rogue. Correction rogues about four of them, moving at the speed of light, towards us.


The others should hear them in a minute Evan and Scar were chatting. Dustin was staring at me probably noticing my rigid posture. I glared at him, he brought her here. I could handle four but not protecting the King and Scar at the same time.

“Scar, behind me now” I said urgently. She understood my tone, and did as I said. The boys were on the defensive now. I knew Ethan would keep the King safe he was trained to protect not as well as me but close enough.

“Listen to me carefully” I told them, my tone hurried and urgent as it carried through the link I provided between the four of us. “After I take down the first one, Dustin you run with Scar, that way” I motioned with my head towards the community, I would’ve preferred the Castle but the community was closer. I trusted Dustin to keep her safe, at least at the community there were more wolves; he was an alpha and had royal training so he should handle it fine.  

“And leave you here!” He said angrily. I stared at him shocked, what the hell!

“We’re not leaving you here Ang” Scarlett said determined.

I glared at both of them we had less than a minute. I snapped my head towards the idiot king first. ”You will do as I say; my job is to protect the Phoenix. I will fulfill my duties.” He bristled at my bossy tone, being an alpha.

“You will leave as soon as I say go, understand!” I all but shouted at Scar. She was just as stubborn as me. She did however, waver at my command. I understood she wanted to keep me safe but, she was in danger.

“NO” The king, and Scar said simultaneously. I realized I was fighting a losing battle. I sprinted and scooped all the clothes. 

“Shift” I ordered. Dustin bristled once again; he wasn’t used to being ordered around. In a second Scar changed her cheeks red as she slipped on her clothes. I changed throwing my denim shorts, and sports bra on in ten seconds flat, not having time for anything else. Dustin pulled on his basketball shorts, as well as Ethan. I noticed Dustin’s eyes dark as he watched me change, since when is he a pervert?

Well can you blame him? I am a blonde bombshell, or so I’ve been told. With my long golden hair, pink full lips I’ve been told I should be one of Victoria’s Angels many times. My eyes were a startling violet. Well it was more purple than blue, I’ve been told it has something to do with being a guardian. My eyes were blue but when I shifted for the first time, they turned purple and the mark appeared. It was as if the blue mixed with the red of Scarlett’s eyes. I was blonde, tan, voluptuous, and overall just hot. Well with a brother like mine some of his conceited-ness was bound to rub off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2012 ⏰

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