Chapter 6: Pranked

Start from the beginning

"I think there is more to you than the bad stuff. I don't what you to be afraid to tell me this stuff." He turns my head towards his; "There might so much bad in you, but all I see it good! My dad is so going to want to meet you. He tried to make us to where we could be hard and tough when we have to, and then soft all the other times. Not that it is a bad thing, but you are exactly like that!" Tate says and I start to cry.

"I just told you that I kill people, and you don't freak out. You just tell me that I am good!"

"To be honest, you are nothing at all what I thought I was going to have as a mate." I glare at him, "Hey, just wait! But you are more than I could ever dream of. When I dreamed of my mate, I saw a beautiful girl at home, making dinner, a couple kids running around, then her tucking them in, and then coming to bed with me. But now that I have met you, I see you coming home and going for a run together, then us sparing, training together, us making decisions for the pack! Oh, and Hayden is there too." I laugh at his last comment. "Baby, you are perfect. When I dreamed of my mate, I didn't know what I wanted. But know that you're here, I see what I want so clearly." He says, he leans down and kisses me. "I just can believe you were there that night, and I had no idea!"

I smile at him, and we hear Hayden coming down the hall. "No mom. I will not facetime you!"

He listens "Well I guess you will have to wait to meet her,"

He pauses, "She is sleeping! And no I will not wake her up! Bye mom, love you!" he says and then hangs up.

Tate and I start to laugh. Hayden smiles at us. "What did she want?" Tate asks.

Hayden crawls into bed, "Who knows! That women never gets to the point!" I laugh again. I don't feel tired anymore. "What are we talking about?"

"How perfect I am!" I say with a cheeky grin and Hayden laughs.

My phone buzz from the nightstand, Tate grabs it for me. I unlock it and go to my messages.

Mom- Hey, sweet pea. Guess what! Uncle Nathan is here. He showed up with his new bride and stepson. When are you coming back? Can you come sooner? I texted Derek too. Respond right away!

I sit up in bed, and say "Pack up boys! We leave in ten!"

They look at me weird, "What is going on?"

"My mom needs me at home, long story! Now pack up!" They get up and go to work, I text my mom back and then call Derek.

"Hey, I am guessing that you got mom's message?" he says as soon as he picks up.

"Yeah, we are packing now. When are you leaving?"

"Soon as possible. I told the rest, we are packing too."

"Ok, wait what do we do about Rachel?" I ask.

"Does Jamie have his own car here?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Well, they will ride together. That is all I can think of right now. Kayla is with me. Alex, Cole, and Sam are together. Then Rachel, Jamie together in their own car. You and your boys in your car. Sound good?" Derek asks.

"Yeah, don't leave without me!"

"I promise I won't. Hey, take it easy. Let the boys do most of the work! You need to rest."

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