"It's funny . . . I didn't even plan to fight for Kyle after he cast me aside, instead decided to sleep with whoever approached me, so I wouldn't have to think about the two of  them together. Alot of them took pictures to share with their friends and then one day an envelope arrived at my house with Joel's name on it.  It wasn't closed properly and when I brought it inside, one of the pictures fell out . . . they thought I was my brother . . . even the guys I was desperately offering myself to thought I was my perfect big brother.  I . . . I just wanted them to look down on him a little, so I sent the pictures where I knew they would cause the most damage. If I would have known he was pregnant . . . if I had any idea what was going to happen, I would have destroyed those pictures and continued suffering in silence. But Kyle started paying attention to me and I couldn't make myself stop anymore."

"That Alpha of yours should have released you when he realized his lack of feelings for you.  Yeah you would have been hurt for a while, but your feelings for him would have eventually  faded or turned to someone who could return them, but instead he selfishly kept you connected to him by refusing to break the mate's bond you two share so he could keep his hold on you in case he changed his mind about your brother . . . he used you as a backup mate."

"No, he . . . he hates me, he told me every time______."

"Every time he slept with you? And what did you do after he said it? I bet you tried to turn yourself inside out to be what you thought he wanted."

"How did you_________?"

"When you were in labor with your pup, he claimed you as his mate, but he refused to mark you until your mating ceremony."

"He just wanted to wait until _______."

My words were cut off when his lips crashed onto mine and my heart skipped a beat as the bond I felt between us shattered and rebuilt itself into something unbreakable. He pulled away and my body was shaking so badly that my knees almost buckled.

"Don't defend him in front of me or I might get jealous."

"Why did you have to come now? I . . . I want to be with you."

"Stop talking like that or I'll ignore pack law and take you with me."

"I have to go."

"Even after all this, you're running back to him?"

Please don't involve yourself with me anymore. Things are going to get much worse and I don't want you to get caught in the middle."

"At least tell me your name . . . I at least deserve to know that."

"I-I can't. Goodbye."

I started for the woods when he grabbed my wrist pulling me to a stop.

"I don't care what mark he burned into your body, don't let another wolf touch you."

I smiled sadly at him, pulling my arm free.

"I can't promise that. If you can't handle other wolves touching me, maybe you should go back to your pack."

"Or maybe I should just reject you."

A sudden overwhelming feeling of panic filled me at his words, for some reason I instinctively knew that a rejection from him would break me more than anything Kyle could do to me.


"Why?  You refuse to break your bond with him for me and even if you do, you won't be faithful to me, right? So what you want me to sit around and wait for you? That's not the kind of mate I want in my life."

I scoffed in disbelief. If he had a perfect ideal of his mate, why was he wasting my time?

"So you want me to beg, is that it?  Fine, please don't reject me . . . I don't want to be rejected anymore. You don't have to stick around or mate with me, just please don't reject me like everyone else does."

His eyes widened in shock at my words and I could feel a blush creep into my cheeks when he started chuckling.

"Well, we wouldn't want you to be rejected again, would we?"

"S-So you weren't going to reject me?"

"I've been waiting for my mate since I was six years old, of course I wasn't going to reject you."

I nodded in relief. He wasn't anything like Kyle. The relief quickly wore off to be replaced by sadness.

"Your pack would never accept someone that's been branded . If you were there that day, you know my place in this pack."

His eyes suddenly hardened and I felt like I was about to be asked  something I didn't want to answer.

"Is that why I keep smelling other  wolves on you? Is he forcing you to sleep with them?"

"I have to go back. I've stayed away too long."

"First answer me . . . did he make you sleep with them?"

Ignoring his question once again, I jerked my hand free and took off through the woods, shutting out his voice that pleaded for me to come back. Seeing Jason and his pack just ahead of me, I paused to catch my breath.

"Where have you been?"

"I ran into my mate."

"Kyle? Did you lead him here?"

"You know I no longer consider that monster my mate  . . . and  before you ask, no, I don't know his name."

"We don't have time for this, you have a job to do, Joey."

"I know that."

"You will not seek him out again."

I glared at Jason, pushing past him and stalking away, ignoring his eyes burning into my back.

"I don't need you to tell me that."

I know he doesn't believe me, I'm doubting my own self control right now . . . maybe it won't be such a bad thing to see him one  more time.

Daniel's POV

I stared after my mate until he disappeared  into the woods and then shifted into Damien, my wolf and headed back to consult with Adrian. I need his advice about how to proceed, I don't want to risk losing my mate because I acted too soon or pushed him too hard, but I also can't forget that he might know something about our missing Luna. I truly hope not because it's going to be hard enough for me to protect him when Alpha Chris finds out whose Luna he is, if he was even remotely involved in anything to do with Luna Jesse's disappearance, I know that Alpha Chris will tear him apart . 

'Would we let him? Would we let our Alpha take away our mate just when we found him?'

'He's not our mate, Damien.  He refused to break his bond with that bas_________.'

'I'm pretty sure he has parents . . . I mean his dad is with our pack right now, isn't he?'

'Very funny Damien . . . seriously, what are we going to do?'

'Easy, we'll leave the pack and  run with our mate.'

Even as I agreed with Damien, a single doubt came to me. Could I really abandon my family and pack for a mate I couldn't even trust?

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