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after getting lincoln to the drop ship they chained him up and bellamy went back to arkadia to find clarke. octavia and kodie sat on opposite sides of the third floor, out of lincoln's sight.

when clarke made her way up the ladder lincoln began to pull at the chains and bellamy came up behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "it's okay. it's okay. he's been restrained."

"i can't believe we're back here again." clarke said.

"me neither." kodie mumbles.

"can you help him?" octavia asks.

"i don't know." clarke sighs. "i knew mount weather controlled the reapers. i had no idea they were creating them."

"if they can do that to lincoln, what are they doing to our friends?" bellamy asks.

kodie and octavia rose to their feet as lincoln began to make weird noises. "what's happening?" octavia asks.

"he's convulsing." clarke states.

"so, what does it mean?" octavia asks as she holds the light up at lincoln.

clarke eyed lincoln before turning to octavia, "what happened to his leg?"

octavia's eyes begin to water. "i shot him."

"clarke," bellamy buts in. "he's lost a lot of blood.

clarke hesitantly steps forward and jumps a bit when lincoln fights against the chains again. "can you shine the light at his neck?" octavia and bellamy hold up their flashlights, shinning the light on lincoln's bloody neck. "needle marks."

"you think he's been drugged?" bellamy asks.

"maybe." clarke answers.

suddenly lincoln ripped the chain from the wall and grabbed onto clarke. "lincoln!" octavia shouts, rushing forward. lincoln shoves octavia into the wall like he had done with the car and bellamy stepped forward, trying to get him to let go of clarke.

lincoln smacks his head into bellamy's and the boy fell to the floor, clarke getting away. the reaper pulled his chains loose from the other wall and lunges for any of the three that were near him, but the chains on his feet stopped him.

"bellamy!" kodie shouts, sliding the shock baton over to him.

he quickly rose to his feet and went for lincoln, but he had already gotten his feet loose. he lifted bellamy off the ground and slammed him down. kodie grabbed the nearest metal thing to her and raced over, smacking lincoln in the back before taking a second swing, hitting him in the back of the head, and he fell to the floor, unconscious.

the three people on the floor tried to catch their breath and when kodie caught her own she placed her hands on her hips. "why am i always saving the day?"

"we need to tie him down to the floor." clarke instructs.

"some of the guys made a net awhile back." kodie says. "i think i saw it on the first floor."

"grab it." clarke nods. "bellamy, find more chains. octavia, get rope."

by the time the four of them were able to strap lincoln down to the floor he had woken and was thrashing against the restraints.

"we have to stop the bleeding and get the bullet out of him. hold his leg down." clarke says and bellamy immediately grabs lincoln's leg.

octavia tried to give him some water, but he spit it out and tried to bite her, so she stood up. "i'll get some more."

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