Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away

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One year later...

Jerome sat on the beach, the same place that caused his lover's death.

He had been crying his heart out everyday since.

Jerome held the flowers that he placed there everyday.

Carefully, he laid them down in the water and let them float in the water.

"I love you and I miss you so much." Jerome sobbed, starting to walk into the water.

He didn't care about the stones he stood on.

He didn't care when the water was up to his chest.

He didn't care when his lungs were on fire.

He didn't care that he couldn't breathe air.

He didn't care that he was drowning.

He didn't see or care about the black and red haired girl watching him.

There wasn't anything the doctors could do.

He had been dead for five days when he was found.

So, they laid him near his lover.

But no one new his last words.

"You are my sunshine."

Lovers and Partners
The Poisoned Sea Lovers

Sky was shaking back and forth.

Ever since Ty's death, he was continuously tortured.

Speaking of which...

"Sky~" A familiar voice rang.

He looked to see Francis, the King Squid.

Sky looked back to the ground as the king clicked his tongue.

"Aw, has the butter god finally broken?" Francis spoke softly and tauntingly.

No response.

Frowning, the King Squid wrapped his tentacle around Sky, taking him out of the cell and into the room where Ty had died and where he was tortured everyday.

Ty's body still hung there.

It was there to torture Sky on a more personal and mental level.

Sky had given up.

He didn't want to live any longer.

Ty would've helped him through these thoughts, but he wasn't there.

He was hanging like a trophy.

Sky noticed a sword nearby.

The king had a loose grip.

Sky quickly turned himself loose and ran for the sword, grabbing it.

The king seemed like he expected this to happen.

"Go on." The king softly encouraged. "You won't."

Sky argued with himself.

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