When The Skies Turn Grey

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All it took was one last look, one last mistake for everything these two knew to go away and change.

Tyler loved Jason, he always made it rather obvious and was quite protective. Sometimes, he could be a little over protective.

Jason also loved Tyler, but was always the smol bean and was mostly okay when Tyler got a little protective.

That was, until one day.

Jason was a bit sick.

Okay, that's a lie.

Jason was really sick but tried to hide it's severity from Tyler.

But, Tyler had found out but only wasn't able to see its severity. Even then, he had gotten himself a bit too protective and Jason wasn't having it.

"Tyler, you don't always have to be so protective." Jason half joked, there was a hint of seriousness that Jason tried to keep under wraps.

"Jason, I just don't want you to get hurt." Tyler reached for Jason's wrist.

But Jason wasn't having it.

He moved his wrist away.

Tyler shot a questioning look but Jason only gave him a sigh.

"I do love you." Jason began. "But I need a little bit of freedom."

"But what if something bad happens and I'm not there to help and/or protect you?" Tyler looked at his lover with worry.

"I only am walking around the corner to the store." Jason chuckled a bit, smiling.

"A lot can happen!" Tyler reached for Jason's wrist again, his voice going almost an octave louder than normal.

As Jason tried to remove his wrist, Tyler managed to grab it before it happened.

"Tyler, please." Jason pleaded, his eyes looking at his lover with sad eyes.

Jason slowly felt a cough creep up but managed to force it down.

"Fine." Tyler sighed, regretting his choice.

As Jason smiled, Tyler leaned in.

Slowly, Tyler softly held up Jason's chin, making sure eye contact was there.

Leaning in a bit more, their noses touched.

Jason almost ruined it with a sneeze, almost.

Tyler leaned in all the way and planted a soft kiss on Jason's lips.

(I have never written a proper kiss scene, you proud of me @JasonTheAlone )

When Tyler pulled away, Jason was left a blushing mess and smiling.

"Come home safe?" Tyler spoke in Jason's ear.

Jason nodded, followed by a cough or three.

"And get some medicine while your there?" Tyler looked at his lover in concern.

"Okay Mr Worry." Jason teased, rolling his eyes and chuckling.

"Call me if you need anything." Tyler softened his expression into a light smile.

Jason nodded, sneezing.

Once outside and exposed to the chilling winds of the outside world, Jason started getting into a coughing fit.

Gaining the stares of strangers, Jason pressed on.

On the way there, Jason counted five coughing fits, fifteen sneezes, and four "sore throats" per twenty-five steps.

"Just a few more metres..." He would keep telling himself.

He walked inside the store, his chest starting to hurt a lot.

Someone seemed to have noticed that.

"Sir, are you okay?" Jason looked up to see a woman with black hair that turned red at the tips.

"Sir?" She repeated.

"Yeah, I'm ok-" Jason was interrupted by a cough fit that was the worst he had experienced yet.

The girl noticed immediately and ran away to heaven knows where.

Jason was now curled up on the floor, some people watching in fear, some calling 911.

Jason's eyes were wide open, bloodshot even.

He was now coughing blood.

Blood was spat all over the floor, Jason's blood.

The girl had returned with something that Jason couldn't see, darkness was starting to cloud his vision.

Eventually the paramedics arrived and took Jason away.

Although he was unconscious, the coughing of blood wouldn't stop.

Tyler sat on the couch, shifting uncomfortably.

Jason should've been back by now.

Tyler carefully picked up his phone and dialed Jason's number.

Someone picked up.

"Hello?" An unfamiliar female voice rang.

"Um, hello?" Tyler shifted again.

"Do you happen to know a Jason?" The voice asked. "The owner of this phone, his name is Jason."

"Yes!" Tyler shrieked. "Where is he?"

"He's in the hospital by the little market on Maple Ave." The voice spoke softly.

Tyler hung up and ran to the hospital as fast as he possible.

He ran into the hospital, sweaty and breathing heavily.

Walking up to the receptionist, he started to be able to speak again.

"Where is Jason Stars?" Tyler asked.

(I don't know his last name, nor do I want to.)

"Room 666."

Tyler immediately ran to the room.

Jason had finally stopped coughing.

But not for the reason most think.

He went into a coma.

But he wasn't expected to wake.

One year later....

Finally, the day had come.

Jason lost his fight.

Tyler cupped Jason's hand close to his cheek, tears pouring down.

Jason looked so lifeless.

Tyler sniffled before laying the white sheet over his dead lover.

You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make me happy

When the skies turn grey

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