How Much I Love You

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Preston held his lover's hand while he had placed a blindfold over his Flower King's eyes.

"Are we there yet?" Rob laughed.

"Almost." Preston smiled, chuckling.

Rob groaned impatiently as Preston let out a weird mix between a laugh and a trail hiccups.

That made Rob laughed and forget about his impatience.

"Prestonnnnn." Rob groaned again. "Are we there yet?"

"Yes." Preston smiled, going behind Rob and taking his blindfold off.

Before the two boys, was a beautiful field. In the field, there was a small lake, a hill with a tree on top, and the biggest array of different coloured flowers Rob had ever seen.

"Like it Flower King?" Preston smiled, putting a flower crown on his boyfriend's head.

Rob was almost at a loss for words.


"I don't like it..." Rob trailed off, making Preston frown.

Rob pulled Preston into a tight hug, smiling.

"I love it." Rob whispered in his lava boy's ear softly.

"Good." Preston smiled, enjoying the embrace of his lover. "The flowers only bloom like this once a year."

"Then I'm glad you brought me here." Rob slightly pulled back from the hug.

"Could you be anymore cliche?" Preston chuckled.

"Trust me, I could." Rob laughed, hand holding up Preston's chin to make Preston look at him.

Dumbfounded, Preston was a blushing mess and practically felt his feet melt in place.

"That would be funny to see..." Preston smiled, looking into those brown eyes that he could look into forever.

"Hm, then why don't I try it." Rob smirked. "Honey."

Not knowing how to respond, Preston started laughing.

Seeing his lava mob laugh line that made him want to laugh as well.

So he did.

And they laughed at each other until Preston was on the ground, dying of laughter.

"ROB, HELP ME UPPPPPP.." Preston whined, still on the ground laying in flowers.

"NOPE!" Rob yelled back, smiling.

"ROBBY!!!" Preston continued whining.

"FINEEEEE." Rob spoke in a combination of a sigh and a yell.

Once over to Preston, Rob tried to pick him up when he suddenly found himself on the ground next to his "honey," holding his hand.

"Why Preston..." Rob whined.

"Shush you Cactus Jones." Preston laughed, pointing to the sky.

The sun was going down, creating a beautiful array of pink, purple, orange, red, and a tad bit of blue.

Butterflies also flew over them, patterns of tan and gold fascinated the boys.

Swiftly, Rob picked up a red and orange flower, offering it to Preston.

As Preston looked towards Rob, he noticed the flower being offered his way.

Smiling, Preston took the flower and snuggled up to Rob.

"I love you, Flower Boy."

"Love you too, Lava mob."

Preston rubbed his head against Rob's chest as Rob smiled, rubbing comfort circles on Preston's back and planted a soft kiss on his forehead.

With the warmth of the Flower King next to him, Preston easily fell asleep, obviously tired.

Rob found this adorable but and chuckled, still rubbing circles on his lover's back.

That was when Rob heard an unusual noise, one he couldn't describe.

Worried, he picked his lover up, trying not to wake him, and started to walk back.

Unfortunately, life doesn't work like that.

Suddenly, Rob felt something bite through his pants and into his leg.

This caused him to fall, pushing Preston out further in fear of hurting him worse.

Looking behind him, he saw a snake he recognised as a rattlesnake of some kind.

(They're in Texas. Rob just got bit by a Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. Nasty little bugger XD)

Rob had tried getting up but failed and fell again, startling the snake into biting him a second time.

That hurt, a lot.

"Rob?" Preston called out.

He tried to respond back but a scream replaced his words.

Preston snapped his head in Rob's direction, worry and panic clouding his eyes.

Rob turned back to where the snake was and saw it gone.

"Rob, what happened?" Preston asked, fear laced his words.

"Rattlesnake." Was all Rob said before blacking out.

"NO!" Preston screamed. "PLEASE LET THIS BE A DREAM!"

"I'm sorry sir but I'm afraid this is the inevitable." The doctor put a hand on a weeping Preston's shoulder.

"Please..." Preston cried, holding Rob's hand close to his heart.

"Sir, the venom is too much for him to handle. With two rattlesnake bites, I'm surprised he lived this long." The doctor sighed.

"Okay." Preston sighed, tears running down his face. "Pull the plug."

The line went flat

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