You'll Never Know, Dear

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No one asked for anything that was within their reach, do they?

Ian loved his little "fish" friend, there was nothing he wouldn't do for him.

Quieten was in deep feels for the cake lover currently sitting next to him. Although he doesn't like working out and/or running, he will always go that extra mile.

Ian shifted uncomfortably in the bench that was obviously too small for the two on the bench but they somehow made it work without having someone sit on the other's lap.


Quieten quickly noticed Ian's uncomfortable shift. Slowly, he started to get up, surprising the cake lover.

Ian looked at the fish in confusion, not long before a silent and mental conversation had taken place.

Ian slowly got up, raising a brow at his fish's actions.

Quieten sighed, taking Ian's hand and started to walk to a little cake and cupcake shop that was nearby.

The sight was funny to Quieten.

Ian was fanboying over the different cupcakes and cakes in the little shop.

Ian was having the time of his life, his fish by his side and surrounded by the sweets he loved so much.

Though, he though Quieten was sweeter than any sweet.

Yeah it was cliche but he didn't care, that much.

Quieten smiled, trying to hold back a laugh from the sight of his lover running in the store, trying to decide on five cupcakes or one small cake.

Eventually, Ian decided on a cute little cake.

It had blue frosting and was decorated with a little boat. A fisherman figure, fishing rod in the cake, sat down in the boat with a fish next to him.

Ian looked at his lover, a giant smile painted on his face.

Quieten rolled his eyes, the cringe, cliche, and hilarity was overwhelming.

Even though they were out of the store, Ian still had the largest smile on his face. Taken the wrong way, he looked like a psychopath.

Laughing, Quieten put his arm protectively around Ian, pulling him a bit closer.

Ian looked at his lover in confusion, not noticing the red head across the way checking him out.

Quieten shot a reassuring look at his cake lover, smiling and started to walk again.

Quieten felt something was off, not quite right.

Ian looked at the fish in concern but Quieten quickly shook off these feelings for the sake of his lover.

But the feeling wouldn't leave Quieten alone.

Ian was starting to pick up on Quieten's uneasiness and grabbed his wrist reassuringly.

Once Quieten felt Ian's almost iron grip reach for his wrist, Quieten moved his hand and took Ian's hand.

The sudden change of movement surprised Ian a bit. One hand holding the cake, one hand holding the man he loved. Smiling, Ian led Quieten and started to walk back to the car.

That was, until, gunshots rang out.

People were screaming as more gunshots fired off.

Ian was terrified and forced Quieten to hide, fear became a motivator.

Quieten didn't know what was going on or happening but did as Ian had requested, trusting his lover.

Ian had seen the man aiming for Quieten and himself so he had forced the both of them to hide.

There were no more screams.

Quieten guessed it was because everyone was dead.

Ian assumed it was because he had finally silenced all the screamers and panicked had died.

Quieten and Ian both leaned out from their hiding spots, looking at all the people laying possibly dead.

With no sign of the killer being there, Ian slowly got out their hiding spot.

Quieten noticed the killer aiming at Ian and didn't think he had enough time to both warn Ian and get him to get down.

So Quieten ran.

Ian didn't know what happened.

One minute he was standing, another he was on the floor, another he heard sirens, and the next a final gunshot rang out.

Ian slowly turned around and saw Quieten bleeding out.

Ian ran to Quieten's side and held him as Quieten's life bled out.

"I love you, cake boy."

"I live you too you fish."

Ian was the only survivor.

Quieten had died of a bullet wound.

The bullet meant for Ian.

And he would've given anything to turn back time and save him.

Ian never spoke again.

You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make me happy

When the skies are grey

You'll never know dear

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