The life of Laika Irene White Chapter 14

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I played a mix of songs. Including bass cannon songs. I plugged the cord in and slipped on my shoes. I put my gloves on I started with my stretching and then dance pushups. I waited for the right song to come along two dance to. I slowly moved my body along to the beats of the music. My mind drifting off into another place while my body danced.  

My mind tried to figure out everything that had happened to me so far everything so far was a terrible mess. I moved faster to beat, I started twisting around on my hands. I felt like I was being watched as I was dancing but I pushed it off while I still danced along to the changing music. I finished dancing around 8:46 I pulled off my shoes at the door and went inside with my Ipod close at hand. The door bell rang. The three boys were on the other side of the house still unpacking. I went over and opened the door. 

"Hello,"  I answered 

Andy was standing there with his family.  

They were wanting to meet their new neighbors. I yelled at my brothers to come out of the back room and meet the neighbors. Thomas was the first to make his way to the front door to greet the people into the house. Lily was on Zane's shoulders playing with his hair. Josh made his way out of the room with a stack of empty boxes. I walked over taking the boxes and stacking them off to one side. Andy and his family made it to the couch, this was the first time I ever met his mother. They looked a lot alike. I sat down on the chair, josh jumped onto my lap. Lily was crawling around Zane like a monkey, Zane was tickling her making her small laughter fill the room. Lily finally yawned and Zane stood up to take her to bed. When he returned, 

"Sorry about that she's a handful." he said rubbing the back of his head, 

"Its fine, so who's the mother?"  She asked stealing a glance towards me.

we all froze up at the mentioning of Kayla. Thomas cleared his throat.  

"Lily's mine, she's my daughter," he said nodding his head. 

They looked even more surprised, when he finished "Her mother couldn't careless about her own daughter." 

Thomas seemed the most hurt about the truth. But we talked about where we were before we moved here like how it was in Japan and before that California. We stayed away from the fact we took off from our parents. But thomas explained how we were all brothers and sister. From the same family and how my parents had gave up Zane and how we found him. Zane tossed his hair to one side blowing the stranglers up from his eyes.  

Zane smiled up at us happy to be with us for the rest of his life. I stayed silent through out this talk. I heard the cookies finished in the oven so I got up to take them out. As I came back I set down some Christmas cookies on the table, 

"You can try my cookies if you want," I smiled  

I headed back to put some in a Tupperware container for them to take with, Andy snuck up behind me and spooked me by talking.  

"Your so different from all the other people I've met but how do you seem so familiar?" he questioned me.  

I frowned turning off the oven packaging the rest for the clearing house. I turned to face him I was going to tell him a clue. 

"Are you sure the last time you rode your bike long distances was last saturday," I said with a raised brow  

I turned back to my work packing in plastic containers six cookies per case. Then labeled the warning ingredients and allergy warning, calories to expect. I was humming along to the sounds outside of cars pasing. I glanced out the window to the stars before Andy finally figured it out. 

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